chapter 58

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So all of us were at a Pokemon center with Brock trying to flirt with nurse joy but Charizard stopped him by stomping on his foot and grabbing his ear and pulled him away. And all of us sweat dropped. So I was sitting in the room nurse joy gave us until I saw a bright light and I see Arceus in the portal and he says chosen one I would like to talk to you and I was shocked and I went in and a couple of second later I was in Arceus's home and he says Savanna my dear chosen one I got some news remember a couple of months ago I said a grave darkness will engrave hoenn and I nod and say yeah I do so whats up? And Arceus says. Your friends are chosen as you know Ash was chosen by lugia. But can tell you the others and I say awesome so Arceus nods and says okay I will tell you Brock is chosen by Uixe Ritchie is chosen by Rayquaza and I say woah woah Ritchie my best friend is chosen by a god damn rayquaza? And Arceus nods and says yes because Rayquaza is one of my favorite child and also I can see he is also your favorite friend as well. And I say yeah I have a whole bunch of friends but I think Ritchie is one of my favorite persons to talk too. And Arceus nods and says okay May is chosen by Moltres and Max is chosen by Zapdos and I nod and say cool. And Arceus says your friends all of them are great people.

And I am happy they are beside you chosen one and I nod and say yeah I am happy too. So I leave and I see Ritchie and he says so I guess you went and talked to Arceus and I nod and say yeah. And he told me what you legendaires you guys were chosen by and Ritchie nods. So a couple minutes later so I told everyone everything and May fainted and Ash yells out May!!! So we all pick her up and bring her to nurse joy and Ash says I hope she is okay and I say I am pretty sure she will be fine maybe she is I don't know umm and Ash looks at me and says she is not having my child just letting you know. So Ash says I hope she is okay and I nod and say lets hope so and Charizard nods. So I sat on one of the chairs and I looked at the group and said you know when I travel to unova by myself I want you guys to know that we will be best friends no matter what and everyone nods and we all fist pump. So we see nurse joy and she says guys your friend May is up so we all ran to her room and stuff. So a couple of minutes of talking we went out of the Pokecenter and we were sitting up camp for the night. I had pichu on my shoulder and Charizard beside me and Charizard was playing with Pichu and Ash says your Charizard is treating Pichu like its own child and I say yeah because Charizard wants to protect it and show its not scary like all other Charizard and Ash nods.

So I see Charizard grabbing pichu from my shoulder and starts nuzzling her and Brock says thats really cute Charizards aren't normally like this and I nod and say yeah I guess my Charizard is a nice Charizard right Char? And Charizard nods and puts her head down and Pichu climbs on top of it and Charizard grabs Pichu and puts her on the ground and puts a finger up and looks at me and I say don't worry will take care of her and Charizard nods. So Charizard went to grab Pichu's food and I see Ritchie coming torwards me and he says Sparky is getting a little jealous and I say really? And Ritchie says yeah because your Charizard is playing with Pichu so much and I say that's how Char is. And Ritchie nods and we both see Sparky giving Pichu its food and stuff and Charizard is talking with Sparky and Ritchie says was Charizard you know wanting to have offspring at one point and changed her mind?  And i nod and say she never wanted offsprings she wants to get stronger and she will think about it. So we see May's Combusken going over to Charizard and Ritchie says here we go again and I see Ash coming up towards us and says wdym? And Ritchie says Combuskien wants a battle with Savanna's Charizard because she wants to prove that she is the better fire type but Charizard is just not accepting. And Ash nods. Pokespeech Look you Combusken pointed a claw at Charizard. And Charizard says they only reason i am not accepting is because just look at you i got the type to beat your butt and also I can fly. And I have a lot more battle stuff then you. So Combusken says i am just trying to impress Grovyle and Charizard says by taking on a fire and flying type? And Combusken says i thought you were a dragon type and Charizard says you stupid I got the fire and flying type bro I got the advantage and everything. So combusken says how about a little mega kick to your face and Charizard' says  I dare you. Until May came in and broke the fight off. An I know that seems a little short but I couldn't think of anything

My Pokemon journey in the hoennTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon