The Good and the Bad

Start from the beginning

Illustrious: Should we be concerned about her after all she identified that she's not from and does not work for Azur Lane.

Wales: How about we make it official.

Illustrious: Are you sure it's a good idea?

Wales: Did you forget that she saved Unicorn.

Illustrious: No, I haven't I'm just concerned about what will happen in the long run.

Wales: We need more info on her if she's going to join.

Driver: Mam, We have arrived.

They both step out of the car.

Wales: In that case, I'm going to bring up Enty's and Enterprise's cases to her majesty.

Illustrious: Good idea.

Meanwhile in the royal garden.

QE: I understand and approve of your concerns about Enterprise but I'm more concerned with that peasant copy of her.

Warspite: I heard she threatened you just because your royalty what guarantee do we have she's not just gonna decapitate our queen.

Queen Elizabeth shuddered at the thought.

Wales: Though it is true I believe she can change which is why I had Belfast invite both Enterprise and Enty.

QE: *pfffttt* *cough* *cough*

Queen Elizabeth can be seen coughing up her tea after hearing what Wales said.


Wales just smiled.

Wales: Don't worry Belfast guaranteed that she won't be hostile. After all, you are a kind and gentle monarch.

Queen Elizabeth was at a loss for words when they see both Enty and Enterprise walk up to Queen Elizabeth who immediately hid under the table.

Enty: Why is she hiding from me?

Wales chuckled

Wales: Probably because her name is Queen Elizabeth.

Enty: A shame, I thought we already executed the entire royal family.

Queen Elizabeth couldn't help but make an adorable "eep".

Enty: Don't worry I'm told you don't oppress your subjects am I right?

QE: Uhhhh... YES! That's right.

Enterprise: I don't understand why I'm called here?

Wales: Cleveland told me what you said about her so I brought you here to apologize and to clear the air.

Enty: You remind me of me a reckless and naive young girl.

Enterprise sharpened her gaze.

Enterprise: You know nothing about me.

Enty: I know more about you than anyone else.

Enterprise: A monster doesn't know me.

Enty: A monster who excitedly had ice cream with her newborn sister.

Enterprise remained silent for a moment.

Enty: I haven't told you how I got here.

Illustrious: Now that you mention it you haven't.

Enty then sat down.

Enty: I was born in a nation that was tearing itself apart.

(1939) Mexican Gulf

Hornet: Take them down, leave no survivors.

Yorktown: Sister 12 o'clock

Enty jumped out of the way.

Enty: Thanks.

Hamman: I just took down 2 light cruisers.

Yorktown: As expected of an ace.

Hamman smiled.

Anderson: Everyone stop fighting the confederates have surrendered.

Yorktown: The war is finally over.

Hornet: Yeah!


Enty: Everyone was celebrating including me, that was my first major engagement.

Entry smiled at the thought.

Enty: But after Pearl Harbor, I slowly changed.

Enty paused for a bit.

Enty: I fought in many battles from 1941 up to 1953.

Warspite: Wow, you must be more experienced than all of us combined.

Enty: Yet without my sisters and my beloved I felt lost...

Enty: I was tired and I wanted the new generation to take over so I...

Enty couldn't speak for a while.

Enty: I volunteered for a decommissioning program.

They all looked at her with shock.

Illustrious: You were decommissioned.

Enty: Look most of the friends I had from Wales to Laffey are all gone.

Enty shed a tear.

Enty: They have all moved on either sunk or decommissioned the only friend I had up to that point was North Carolina.

Warspite: Even so I wouldn't volunteer to be scrapped.

Enty: You volunteered to be scrapped in 1947 followed by QE.

Hood: How could someone so stubborn, volunteer to be scrapped.

Enty: When you lose everyone you know only then you will understand my child.

They all remained silent.

Enty: And yet here you are, all my friends are standing right before me and in their younger years. It's what I have wished for when I volunteered to be scrapped.

Enty couldn't help but cry.

Enty: Which is why I will make sure that your fates never come to pass.


The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now