🌾Happiness that ends like the summer🌾

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I opened my eyes tiredly the following day to me still being at Kim's and her arms wrapped tightly around me and it made me want to go back to sleep and stay that way forever. When I looked up at Kim she was still sleeping and looked peaceful I felt one of her arms wrap tighter around my waist and it made me blush. I cuddled closer to her and drifted back to sleep feeling her stir as I did so. I felt Kim poking my cheek softly and I groaned out, "Five more minutes sweetheart." I felt Kim's hands leave my face and then I realized what I had just said. My eyes opened quickly and I sat up and was met with a very flustered Kim who was speechless and so was I. Kim was the first to speak, "My dad said that breakfast was almost ready so I came to wake you up is all..." I felt slightly embarrassed by the whole ordeal but when Kim got up before leaving she kissed me on the forehead and gave me a goofy grin as she headed out of the room leaving me blushing and speechless. After a few more minutes I got out of Kim's bed and brushed my hair with my fingers as well as put my jacket back on before heading downstairs to a warm good morning from Kim's dad. (I wish my dad still cared that much about me while this guy doesn't even know me yet he's being nice!) I sat next to Kim at the table and had breakfast with her, Vance, and their dad and it was really nice to just have a calming morning without worry for once. At around 11 am Kim and I went to the park and swung on the swings like we normally did while we waited for the rest to show up but instead of anyone of the hooligans showed up a boy with blonde hair with teal on end wearing a black hat came into the park and sat on one of the benches nearby. I stopped my swing and snuck behind the boy who looked lost in thought and pulled his hat off to reveal a sleeping Basil who was still sitting up straight somehow but when the sun hit his face he groaned and opened his eyes slightly seeing me above him he smiled sheepishly before grabbing his hat back from my hand and placed it back on his head as I slumped down next to him Kim joining us soon after and making fun of how Basil's looked exhausted but somehow awake at the same time and it made him laugh which made me happy. After the rest of the group got there Basil wanted to excuse himself to leave but I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and told him that he could stay if he didn't have anything to do. Basil pondered at that but he nodded slowly not long after so for the rest of the day the hooligans were polite to Basi land they all thought he was a cool dude which in reality he was. Soon it was getting dark out and I was getting tired so I bid the others farewell Basil walked home with me and said goodbye when we reached his house I kept walking feeling my chest tightening as I came closer to the front door of my house once I opened it and stepped inside my mother was standing right in front of me when I turned around she began yelling at me and I felt tears drip down my face. (Why am I crying?! She does this all the time when she gets angry!) I began yelling back at her to her surprise but soon I had pushed past her and climbed up the ladder locking the attic door behind me as I lay on my bed crying for the first time in a while as the pain in my chest grew and my vision became slightly clouded. The pain soon became unbearable and I felt myself losing consciousness before I blacked out I heard the sound of cracking glass and my mother shouting. But then there was nothing left...

{Word count: 712}

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