🎀💟Emotions of worry and sadness💟🎀

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As I laid Basil down on his bed dried tears stained his cheeks it made me realize that something was bothering him and I knew he would never admit it. I made sure he was comfortable before deciding to lay down on the floor next to his bed and closing my eyes I then fell asleep. Sunlight seeped through the open curtained window in Basil's room and it make me wake up rubbing my eyes as I slowly sat up and looked over at Basil who was still sleeping with a slight line of drool coming from his mouth and I was happy that he was still sleeping. I got up off of the floor and walked out of his room and into the kitchen where Polly was making breakfast when she saw me she smiled and said, "Good morning Aubrey. I didn't know you were here but I guess you probably came after I left. But feel free to stay for breakfast okay?" I nodded and heard a soft yawn from behind me and turned to see a tired Basil rubbing his eyes and when Polly saw him she was surprised by the color of his hair and she asked who did it and when Basil said me she chuckled and said that would make sense because I dyed my hair by myself so I was probably good at it which was true. The color honestly suited him and when Polly had finished making breakfast Basil and I sat at the table Polly put plates of food in front of us and we both thanked her. While eating Basil said to me, "You know we don't have school today right?" I took the fork away from my mouth before replying with a no and Basil smiled at me and said, "There's no school today because they are doing grading which I think is pretty dumb but I mean no school today WOO." I pondered for a moment before saying, "What if we go over to Sunny's house to see what he's up to today." Basil smiled happily before looking over at Polly who looked surprised and said, "Basil you don't have to ask me if you want to go and hang out with your friends so yes you can go. But please come back before dinner and if your going to be out late give me a call?" Basil nodded excitedly and began wolfing down his breakfast which I followed in doing and once we were done Basil went and changed into a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt with black gloves and blue jean shorts. As we walked the distance to Sunny's house Basil's mood kept improving more and more as we got closer to the house. Basil rang the doorbell this time but we were both surprised when Kel opened the door with a huge smile on his face he let us in but he hadn't said anything surprising but I soon knew why when I entered the house I heard soft piano music playing in the piano room in the Suzuki household. All three of us stood in the doorway as we watched Sunny play the song that he and Mari played during the recital and it sounded beautiful. Sunny had quit playing the violin after the recital because he had told Mari he didn't enjoy it anymore which she understood and since then I hadn't heard Sunny play any instruments. After Sunny began the song once again as if doing it over and over again would make it better but since Sunny had shorter arms and he wasn't able to reach the keys so Basil slowly went over to the piano and sat next to Sunny and played the higher keys that he couldn't reach and it made Sunny smile. The song ended and Sunny leaned onto Basil's shoulder as he played a few random keys that made a soft melody soon Kel left my side and went up and hugged both of the piano dorks and began telling them how lovely the song was. Sunny looked over Kel's shoulder and saw me instantly becoming embarrassed and it made me laugh to see Sunny being flustered and embarrassed over nothing. It was still Sunday and we all had nothing else to do so we decided to go nightmare hunting during most of our walks to different nightmare wards, we talked about how the nightmares from the city were so different from the ones in Faraway. But it wasn't normal to find nightmares during the day so there wasn't enough for it to get dark out so after we couldn't find any more nightmares to hunt we all went to the tree house to hang out like we did when we were kids and it was nice but even I knew that things could never be like they were back then.

{Word count: 844}

A/N: This chapter went through a whole new plot but if you read the original story I suggest reading it again because I'm re-doing it as I'm doing other stories.

Omori magical girl au Vol.2 (Aubrey's fear)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang