🎧🎖A dream where peace is in the name🎖🎧

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The slight breeze that blew that afternoon as we were all leaving the treehouse to head home reminded me even more of when we were younger, to say the least. I began to recall when we were all kids and I and Kel were upset that summer was almost over while we were all having a picnic and Mari told us that if something lovely didn't end how would we change and grow as a person like how flowers grow. I thought that it was kind of cheezy when I was younger because people are nothing like flowers but now that I recall it now it makes more sense. I walked home with Basil and after chatting about things that were more relevant to our plans for college he said, "Summer break is coming u next week right?" I thought for a moment before nodding enthusiastically and then our conversation shifted to what our plans would be for the summer once we made it to Basil's house he waved goodbye which I returned and walked the rest of the way to my own home. I opened the front door and headed straight to the kitchen and made a sandwich before heading to my room I heard my mom snoring in her room I rolled my eyes and went up the later and ate on the floor. I lay on my bed and began thinking how it would be summer soon and Mari and Hero would come down from college and we would get to hang out like we normally did in the summer like when we were kids and for me that was exciting. I lay on my bed and felt myself starting to fall asleep so I closed my eyes. Not long after I was woken up by someone tapping on my window so I opened it and saw Kim and helped her climb in she hugged me tightly making it hard to breathe and soon Kim let go and held out a plastic bag full from Othermart which I took and opened it seeing snacks laying in the bottom and I thanked her. Kim and I sat down in front of my laptop and watched movies and it was really fun for just the two of us to hang out. Soon the sun came up we were both getting tired so we went to my bed and fell asleep skipping school in the process. We both woke up at around two in the afternoon and I was seeing Kim off when my phone started ringing I waited until she had left before seeing who it was and it was Basil so I picked up.

Aubrey: "What's up Basil?" Basil let a sigh of relief and I was wondering why he had called me because he only did when something was wrong.

Basil: " Hi Aubrey nothing is up at the moment but I didn't see you at school and I knew that this time it wasn't a day off and your mom hadn't kept you home so I got worried."

Aubrey: "You don't have to worry about me Basil I only missed school because Kim and I had stayed up until 3 in the morning watching movies. Also sorry for making you worry again."

Basil: "Well I'm glad that you are okay and nothing happened with your mom. "

Basil sounded calm but I could hear a bit of sadness behind his tone of voice and I decided to press him on the matter.

Aubrey: "Is something bothering you Basil?"

Basil: "No! I-i means maybe one thing is bothering me."

Aubrey: "Well I'm not as helpful as Sunny but I could still try and listen if you want me to."

Soft breathing came through the phone and I began to wonder if he even wanted to talk about it but soon he spoke again.

Basil: "I just feel like I shouldn't have become a magic user you know? I don't mind being one it's just- I guess I should have thought about it more before deciding on becoming one instead of being impulsive and quick to decide..."

I felt bad for not realizing that we were going through all of this and being one of his close friends I hadn't noticed it. He got corrupted because he had felt worthless and not strong enough but I believe he could still feel hear and see everything that was going on around him so no doubt in my mind he was feeling every one of our attacks physically. My breath was caught in my throat and I began racking my brain to think of something that would help make him feel better but then I thought of something.

Aubrey: "Well since we can't change decisions we made in the past for something like this I could try talking to the others to understand what your going through but you should also tell them yourself because they need to hear it come from you. Okay?"

Basil: "Yeah okay I'll try and be more open about how I'm feeling. Thank you Aubrey for listening to me when you didn't have to."

I smiled before hanging up the phone and flopping back down onto my bed and falling asleep again. Dawn broke over the horizon as I stood there looking at the sun as it shone brightly onto the sea and field below. The wind blew shaking the trees and making a calming breeze but soon this lovely dream was interrupted by banging that made me wake up. Yelling and screaming came from downstairs and looking over at my clock I saw that I need to get up and go to school and I knew there would be no way of me getting out the front door this way so I got dressed for school and climbed out the window and headed over to Basil's house so I could walk to school with him. I walked up to Basil's door and knocked on it a few times trying not to sound like it was urgent. After a few moments, Polly opened the door and smiled at me then turned slightly before shouting, "Basil! Aubrey is here to walk with you to school!" Running footsteps came from what sounded like the back of the house and soon Basil's blonde and teal stood in the doorway and stepped out of it and he and I began walking up the sidewalk towards school as we made our way to the intersection Kel and Sunny had come from the other direction and all four of us walked the rest of the way together. As we stepped into the doors the first bell rang and Kel and Sunny bid us farewell and quickly headed off to class leaving me and Basil alone in awkward silence at the front doors until Basil suggested, "You wanna skip school?" I looked at Basil surprised because for as long as I knew Basil he had never skipped school in his entire life but since I got the opportunity to not go to class I agreed and we then left right back out the doors and began running down the road to the edge of town. Basil headed straight to the forest a little bit off of the road and I followed him to make sure he fall or get hurt. I walked next to Basil as he was mesmerized by the landscape and I could understand why this forest was untouched because of the protection on this forest by the city. Basil ran down the hill laughing and I walked slowly down the hill following him but then a ward opened up and I lost him... I transformed and headed deeper into the ward vines lining the walls with small explosive flowers adorning them. Basil was far ahead of me but from what I could see black blood was being splattered on the floor from the nightmare. The strings connecting the butterfly-like nightmare snapped and it soon fell to the ground but that didn't stop Basil from continuing to attack it his expression becoming manic in the process. The nightmare used a last attempt move and tried closing Basil in a dome of thorns but he soon broke it open and chopped off the nightmare's head. I snapped one photo and then sent it to a group chat that had only me Hero and Mari in it. As the ward, dissipated messages began to come through and I looked at only a few of them and they all consisted of things considering Basil and why were we not in school for the most part but I soon shut off my phone so as to not get Basil's attention and making him wonder why my phone was going off so much. As I put my phone in my pocket I looked up to see Basil at the bottom of the hill laying in the flowery grass looking exhausted but as I sat down on the top of the slopey hill he came and sat right next to me looking off into the field extending after the forest which was barely visible through the trees but it was there.

{Word count: 1523}

Omori magical girl au Vol.2 (Aubrey's fear)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora