🩰A solum leaf in a burning fire🩰

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 I decided not to head home just yet so instead, I went back to the park where the group was still hanging out and when they saw me they looked very excited that I had come to see them for a second time today. I had planned to hang out with them if Basil was going to be busy and since it was only 2 pm I still had time to hang out with my friends before all of them went home. Kim was eating some taffy that she must have stolen sometime during the time that Aubrey hadn't been there which was normal because normally Kim's mom didn't let them have candy. I walked over to where Kim was and sat next to her and noticed what the rest of the group was doing, arm wrestling. They were being idiots and challenging each other and most of the time Vance won and I thought it was funny how to arm wrestling could be made into hilarious fun by the way they kept trying even though they were all getting tired. I finally decided to participate after everyone was exhausted and as I got up from the park bench I walked over to the stump where Vance was just chilling waiting for someone to try again when I put my arm on the stump Vance looked smug but soon that smug face was gone because I had beat him in a match and he looked quite exhausted anyways from wrestling all of the other many times his strength had dwindled and I found it the best time to take a chance at beating him at something he was the best at which this time it worked. Soon though the sun began to set and everyone began to head home this time I went towards my house. While walking home I stuffed my hands into my pockets until I reached the front door biting my tongue as I opened it. I heard my Mom and Dad arguing in the kitchen and this time I decided to see what it was about. "You are always drunk and never taking care of her no wonder she never wants to be home!" A scoff came soon after and my Mother said, " Maybe if she had a father figure she wouldn't be much of a delinquent what about that huh?" Their fighting was normally going to end once my mom ignored everything he would tell her but I knew he would keep trying to get her to listen and that's why he kept coming back. I went down the hall and up the ladder to my room once I made it up I closed the hatch door and flopped down onto my bed but just before I could sleep Bun-Bun jumped onto me. And I knew that it meant that there were nightmares active which surprisingly they had been more active lately. I grumpily rolled off of my bed and walked over to my window and climbed onto the roof jumping off slightly to get to the ground and making my way according to the way my keychain was glowing brighter. The nightmare had positioned its ward near the edge of the town in the direction of the city which was not the norm but it meant that the nightmare was hiding from magic users so it was weak. I transformed before heading into the ward only to see how wrong my thoughts were about this nightmare... The nightmare reminded me of a ballerina by the landscape and how the music was playing. The nightmare was small but slow and it made me bored but soon it used wheels to make its long ranged attacks the battle ended after a very short fight because this nightmare was most likely just created so it was very weak. After killing the nightmare I began weighing down my options on where to go because I wouldn't be able to climb back in my window because I was exhausted from not sleeping well last night so I untimely deiced to go to Basil's house because it was close to my standing point. I made my way over there knocking on the door for him to open it but Polly opened it with a soft smile letting me and calling Basil and he came out of his room and smiled at me kindly and said, "Hello Aubrey." I smiled thirdly at him and walked over to his couch and went to sleep. The next morning many different voices wafted through Basil's house I opened my eyes slightly and saw that the voices were coming from the kitchen and Saw Mari sitting at the table with Polly talking about things that were going on in their lives and as I leaned against the doorway I heard them talking about how adorable the relationship was between the three younger boys. Hero and Basil were cooking breakfast while Sunny and Kel were captivated by Basil in almost every way possible which made me chuckle slightly. Mari looked up from her cup of tea and smiled at me and said, "Good morning Aubrey. Did you sleep well?" I stopped leaning on the door frame and walked over and sat next to Mari before saying, "I slept okay." I had slept well better than I had when I slept at home and that was because out of all the houses in Faraway basil's was the quietest and that is why I favorited it. Mari smiled warmly at me and it made me remember the days when we were younger and we all used to have picnics at our hangout spot but I knew well enough those days were gone. Mari was like the big sister that I knew had and it made me happy to have an older sister figure in my life. The rest of the morning went by peacefully besides Kel being his obnoxious self and being quite annoying the entire meal. After we had all finished I realized that it was a Monday and that Mari and Hero would have to head back to their campus before their morning classes started. As Mari hugged me goodbye she whispered in my ear, "If you ever need something just text me okay?" I nodded as she let me go and then she and Hero were headed back to college. Basil, Sunny, and Kel walked me to my house so I could get my things for school, and then we would all walk together like we normally did. I looked up at where my bedroom window was and luckily the wind hadn't blown it closed I jumped and climbed into my window and hit the floor hard I then grabbed my backpack and walked back to the window closing in behind me then falling onto the grass below. I started walking down the sidewalk and then looked back at them and said, "Are you guys coming or not?" For the rest of the walk, it was a nice calming conversation that made the morning feel really warm and happy but soon our voices were overpowered by the eruption of voices coming from behind the school gate which made Basil flinch unexpectedly but it was a small one so no one noticed. "Aubrey over here!" a voice called out to me and I looked in the direction of it and saw Kim waving at me with the rest of the group behind her minus Angle because he got to school late almost every day. Basil put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You can go ahead Aubrey we will see you later." I would never forget the kindness in his smile it's the same one he gave me when we meet and for years to follow. (I can always count on Basil as a true friend.) I gave him a small hug before going and jogging over to where Kim and the others were and when I got over there Kim gave me a tight hug and then I began talking to her about things involving school and such and when the first bell rang we all headed into the building and went our separate ways for the time being.The school day felt like it was years long but that was as normal as me getting kicked out of my math class just because the teacher didn't like me. Soon the lunch bell rang and I walked out of my classroom very happily to my surprise, Kim was there waiting for me and usually, she waited with the group in the courtyard where we ate lunch but soon I got my answer to my unspoken question. "A fight is going on outside! And you'll never guess who is fighting!" Another fight would be interesting so I let Kim pull me along through the halls to the open courtyard to see Basil blocking punches with his arms from someone who I knew as one of Basil's old bullies back from when we were younger. As the bully was about to throw a punch Basil dodged it and punched them in the stomach making them fall over Basil got on top of them and punched them in the face with a pissed expression and no one in the crowd even dared to get close to him soon the boy was begging Basil to get off which he did and with a stern tone said, "That's the last time you make fun of anyone I care about understand?" The frightened boy nodded and scrambled away quickly. Basil then walked over to Sunny and Kel who were making sure he was okay with surprised expressions on their faces but soon they all headed towards the open gate and walked out with Sunny cleaning blood off of Basil's knuckles. I dashed after them as Kim called after me but I gave her a wave goodbye and as soon as I caught up with the trio and patted Basil hard on the back, "Impressive work Basil! I'm so proud of you right now!" Basil looked slightly embarrassed now probably regretting it as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Maybe it wasn't the best course of action to take but now he won't bother anyone anymore which was my goal... So no regrets!" Basil still looked a bit uneasy about the whole situation that happened but it was no late now to change what had happened and even if we went back to school now Basil would get in trouble for beating up that kid so we all decided to head to the treehouse until night fall and wait for nightmares to show up and when they did we went to the first ward something interesting went down...

{Word count: 1801}

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