chapter fifty

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━━━ ˚‧₊ march 2021₊‧˚━━━

"Fucking hell!" Narae cursed after stubbing her toe on the corner of the sofa.

Dinner with BTS and ECLIPSE had come and gone by quickly and without a hitch. After everyone adjusted to the new dynamics that the extra two people brought, the minimal awkward tension had quickly melted away, leaving everyone in high spirits as they shared their food.

Not wanting to intrude any longer, the boys had left the four women in Narae's suite after eating and helping clear everything up. The suite was way above average size with a bedroom, two bathrooms, a living area and dining room, each area screaming opulence.

Narae and Sol had been arranging a mini-fort in the living area for all of them to sleep in when Narae's cry had cut through their comfortable silence.

"Stop swearing." Haneul reprimanded her as she passed by to go to the bathroom.

"It hurt though." Narae whined as she hopped around.

"Do you want me to get you ice for that?" Asa asked, arms full of pillows she had snagged from Yoongi's room.

"No, it's not that serious. I'll be fine." Narae declined her offer, flexing her toes to get rid of the lingering pain before adding her duvets to the pile. They were basically done with building their sleeping area for the night, used to making it efficiently from all the times they had done so in their younger years.

Narae flopped down in the middle next to Sol who lay spread-eagled on her back, whilst Asa squeezed herself to rest against the corner of the L-shaped couch that they used as a barrier. After finishing up in the bathroom, Haneul joined them all, turning off the main lights before settling next to Asa.

They were all quiet as they basked in the quiet surrounding them, mulling over the night's events.

Sol rolled over to her front and propped herself up on her elbows to look at Narae with inquisitive eyes, ready to begin the gossiping for the night "You know, you never ended up telling me about how you and JK got together."

"I didn't?" Narae thought back, trying to recall the memory of any such conversation with Sol.

"Nah, you didn't. I bet you told Asa-unnie though." Sol pouted.

"She didn't actually. I just saw them one day and she wasn't doing that dramatic forlorn stare when he wasn't looking anymore. Plus, our resident superstar had a hickey on her neck like she was back in high school. It wasn't hard to put two-and-two together." Asa responded.

"I do not do that!" Narae sat up as she exclaimed. At the silence from the others and the lack of eyes willing to make contact with hers, she grew apprehensive and asked less sure than before, "I don't, do I?"

Haneul patted her head, "You do in fact do that, but it's okay. It's not noticeable unless someone knows you well enough."

"Yeah, you sort of look like you're spacing out so it's not obvious." Asa added with a small laugh after seeing Narae's aghast face.

"God, that's so embarrassing!" Narae buried her face in her hands, "And it wasn't a hickey! I told you I burnt myself with my curlers. It was just in an unfortunate place that's all."

"Of course it was." Sol nodded with a serious face. "But you still haven't told us how it happened – I want to know everything."

Narae launched into the story of how everything between them went down. She left no stone unturned, but cut off abruptly after she described their first kiss.

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