chapter two

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━━━ ˚‧₊ january 2020₊‧˚━━━

Jungkook liked to find the beauty in everyday things.

The deep cobalt blue of the sunrise stretching across the tranquil ocean; the feeling he got when he saw the sea of Army Bombs at his concerts, like he was in the middle of the galaxy looking at a constellation of stars; the way the cool breeze lightly ruffled the trees as spring made way for summer, the sun casting its rays on the soil that they were rooted in — Jungkook found beauty in many things.

But for what felt like the first time, Jungkook didn't need to look for the beauty in something. This time, it found him and overwhelmed him instead.

Narae was beautiful.

The elegant slope of her nose, her plump pouty lips, her dark enchanting eyes framed by thick fluttering lashes, and her smooth brown skin. Individually her features were pretty, but in combination, it made her ethereal. She was a work of art. Jungkook knew he was staring but he didn't-couldn't stop.

The minute she had walked into the room, it was like there was a gravitational pull that designated her the centre of the universe and commanded the attention of everyone present. Jungkook knew he'd never seen anyone as stunning as her.

He was sure that P.D. Bang was saying something important, but for the life of him he didn't care. His mind was replaying the way she looked at him, eyes crinkled with a shy smile, yet a firm grip of his hands. Her hands were so soft and small, he couldn't resist stroking them whilst their hands were locked. He'd always been a tactile person, and in that moment it had taken everything for him not to hold on and never let go.

A mellow voice nudged him out of his reverie,

"Are you going to pay attention to what's going on, or are you planning on staring at me the whole time?" Narae asked, a slight grin lifting the corner of her lips, leaning forward so as not to be heard by the others at the table.

A deep blush instantly coated Jungkook's face as he realised he'd been caught in his blatant ogling. He leant back without a word, flustered from their close proximity, embarrassed that he had been so obvious and turned to the head of the table to hear the rest of P.D. Bang's words. Nice one Jungkook, not creepy at all.

"... Now for the concept. The concept of this album is more coming of age, mature, sexy, adult BTS. You did the whole boys trying to be men thing in your debut, and opened up more about your struggles as the years went on."

Bang paused before looking at each of the members in turn,

"I want to shed that image. Some of you —" He gave a pointed look to Jin, "are approaching 30, you can't have this image forever. Over the years we've teased the fans a bit with more adult choreos but the content of the music is ultimately the same. This album will change that. I'm looking to produce an album that shows you as grown men."

Jungkook looked around at the rest of his members. Namjoon and Hobi looked excited, undoubtedly already thinking up new ideas for lyrics and choreography respectively. Jin looked apprehensive whilst Jimin had a shit-eating grin on his face. Taehyung seemed to be deep in thought, whilst Yoongi just looked unbothered.

"I really want all of you to get involved in the creative process and creation of this album. As always, I want it to reflect you, your personalities and also how your personalities interact with Narae. She has experience doing more so-called 'sexy' concepts, and has also brought some of her team along with her to help with songwriting, producing and choreography which should make it easier on you all.

Aside from album making there will be the regular promo, award show appearances and of course a tour planned for later on in the year. Any questions? Yes Suga."

"How many songs are going to be on the album?"

"This is subject to change, but for now our benchmark is 16 songs in total. We're looking for one song with all of you, two songs with Narae and the vocal line, as well as two songs with Narae and the rap line. Aside from that, I want two songs with just BTS and two songs with just Narae per our contract. Lastly, each of you will record one song with Narae which brings it to 16. Any objections? No? Okay!

Let's give Narae the day to adjust as you have a busy schedule ahead of you. She'll be staying in the dorms with you guys in her own room to make the whole process easier and also allow you to bond. Make sure to get to know each other and make her feel welcome as you will be spending the next 18 months together. Any problems go to your respective managers or come to me if it's serious.

That will be all for today, emails have been sent with the normal schedule, release schedule and all the details from today's meeting. You're free to go!" P.D. Bang clapped his hands and left the room, off to his next meeting.

Jungkook's thoughts were racing a mile a minute as he stood up, his previous embarrassment temporarily forgotten. Mature? Adult? Sexy? With Narae? A dozen possibilities ran through his head but he gave himself a mental slap. Don't get ahead of yourself Kook.

As he looked over to where she stood with Hobi laughing at something he hadn't heard, illuminating and brightening the room, Jungkook couldn't help but think,

It's going to be an interesting 18 months.


a/n: hey, i'm back with a new chapter, we get to see jk's first impressions :) once again i'm procrastinating my essay due in 3 days but i saw that it reached 100 reads (half are mine i bet lol) so i thought why not ?

hope you enjoyed it ! it should pick up in the next few chapters as this is another one for kind of setting the foundations of the story.

will probably update again once im done with my essay, so till then 🤞🏾 (another dose of jk xoxo)

will probably update again once im done with my essay, so till then 🤞🏾 (another dose of jk xoxo)

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~ zookie <3

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