Day of the festival

Start from the beginning

You looked back at Bakugo and he smiled, "1 2 3, hit it!"

You started to play the guitar and sing as well. You went back to back with Jirou and she closed her eyes, and sang the lyrics with all her heart.

You looked at Bakugo and he slammed his drumsticks onto the drums and it sent a vibration through you. You looked around the crowd and saw Todoroki on the side of the ceiling. Helping with the special effects. He saw you and gave a small smile. You rolled your eyes, and played.

The song finished and everyone cheered. You bowed and everyone did the same.

You guys headed backstage, you couldn't find Bakugo, you panicked a bit, and you ran looking for him.

The faster you ran, time seemed to go faster as well. Your performance was in 10mins.

Then you bumped into someone. Todoroki. You looked at him in shock and he look at you and said, "umm, Y/N, I wanted to say you were amazing there. And I wanna apologize."

"I know I was great, Todoroki, no need to remind me. And stop with the apologies, you know I might never forgive you," you said with a annoyed face, "just go, I need to find Bakugo."

You tried to leave but he placed a firm hand on your arm, "let go," you said without looking at him.

"No, I won't," he said, "I know he isn't the one for you."

"And you think you are? Ha yeah right."

You activated your quirk and the wind (that came from absolutely nowhere) started to pick up around you and Todoroki. "Now let. Me. Go."

You were about to punch him until your quirk deactivated and Todoroki's hand disappeared from your arm. You saw three figures in between you and Todoroki. Mr. Aizawa was at your side.

"They said to let go, dumbass, you stupid or dumb? Probably just both," Bakugo said.

You then saw a figure grab Todoroki by the collar of his shirt, "Remember when I said if you lay a finger on my sibling, that finger would be gone? That was only a warning. Now, you little shit-" you recognize the voice and knew it was Kovu.

"Kovu, enough," the other your figure probably your brother, "we'll deal with him later," he turned to you and Bakugo, "go now, your performance is starting," you nodded.

You and Bakugo ran to the entrance of the stage and you said, "the hell were you?! I was looking for you! Until I crashed into him!"

"Sorry! I crashed into someone, too!" He looked away, "it was umm, someone just like Todoroki."

"Your ex-" you paused, "oh, well, it's okay I guess."

You guys heard the signal that it was time to go. You grabbed your guitar and headed to the stage, everyone was cheering for you and Bakugo. You just waved and sat down on the two stools in the middle of the stage.

You slowly started to strum and sing aswell. Bakugo smiled and sang a bit and closed his eyes.

The entire crowd was quiet and you sang your heart out. You sang your feelings out and it was real, raw feelings.

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