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Regular POV

You sat down reading your book and your back was against the bed board. Bakugo laid down next to you. He read his book and occasionally he would mumble comments like 'disgusting' or 'huh?' You only grinned whenever that happened. You looked at the clock and it was already 5:57pm.

"Hey, Bakugo?" You said as you put your book down.

"Hmm?" he didn't look away from his book.

"Remember what I said about doing something for the school festival?"

"Yeah, I do," he looked away from the book to face you, "what about it?"

"Well, I was thinking," you paused, "you know, whenever there is music playing, we would always sing along."

"Yeah? And?"

"You wanna sing for the festival? I will play the guitar and we could both sing. Would you like that?" You asked.

"Umm, yeah! I would. I didn't know you play the guitar."

"I play it when no ones around," you laughed a bit. "What song do you wanna sing?"

"Maybe, It's You by Ali Gatie?"

A/N: if you want to do another song that's fine.

"Yeah! Let's do that one!"

"But aren't you," Bakugo paused, "aren't you singing with the girls in our class. Everyone is singing."

"It doesn't matter if you and me do two things right? C'mon, it would be fun!"

"I'm only doing it 'cause you're doing it too, idiot."


Minutes passed and the both of you were reading quietly, you enjoyed this time with him.

Once it was 7pm you guys headed downstairs to eat dinner. Everyone was in the living room deciding what song to sing at the festival. Todoroki saw you and said, "Hello, Y/N, I was about to get you. Come join us." You walked to him with Bakugo following.

When you got there Todoroki put his hand on your shoulder. Bakugo was pissed, so pissed that he stood next to you so that Todoroki couldn't touch you.

All of the sudden Jirou started to sing, and you were amazed by her voice. Everyone was left stunned!

Minutes later Jirou asked if anyone knows how to play the guitar. Denki, Tokoyami, and you all stepped up with your hands high.

"Three?! I didn't know you played, Y/N-san." Kirishima said.

"I practice when I'm alone," you turned to him, "now I want to use my talent for something else, instead of playing in my room forever."


Jirou told you three to play a riff on the guitar. Tokoyami, and Denki did so. You were next. You got to choose between and electric or acoustic guitar. You got the electric and started playing your heart out. Your fingers danced on the frets, and your eyes were closed, imagining you were at a concert.

"T-that was amazing!" Denki yelled then turned to Jirou, "they should be the lead guitarist!"

"I agree with Denki," Tokoyami turned to you, "Y/N, you have outstanding skills, how long have you been playing?"

"Since I was 9years old. Been playing for a while."

"Okay, everyone agrees that Y/N would be the lead guitarist?" Jirou asked everyone.

Everyone agreed and you smiled widely.

Bakugo then got the part to play the drums and you were impressed by his skills. Your brother, Kovu, played the drums. And he and Bakugo both had impressive skills.

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