Stay with me

730 6 8

Regular POV

Bakugo woke up with a grunt and when he stretched he felt something at his side. He turned his head and saw you. You were still sleeping soundly. He couldn't wake you, because one: you needed to rest, and two: you looked cute sleeping, and Bakugo liked that.

He went to his washroom to get ready and when he got out you weren't there anymore. He got his stuff ready and headed downstairs.

You in the other hand, you were taking a shower, and got your stuff together. You headed to Bakugos room to find it empty, "he's probably downstairs already," you said to yourself.

In the lobby area breakfast was already being prepared and you saw Bakugo with his wireless earphones on. You walked towards him and he smiled and gave you an earphone. You put it on and he was listening to some of your favourite songs. You blocked everything by out and just listened. You quickly ate breakfast and walked with Bakugo to the school, "Hey, idiot," he said, "I asked Present Mic if the music room was available during lunch, he said it was so, you wanna practice our song there? You know, the song for the school festival?"

"I would love to," you replied.

Fast forward to lunch...

You guys took your lunch to the music room and there was a guitar reserved for you. Bakugo grab two stools and a music stand with a blank paper on it, "we'll use this to write some notes," he said.

You sat on the stool with the borrowed guitar and started tuning it a little bit.

"Okay," you said, "ready?"

He nodded and you guys sang a few lines and burst out laughing, "sorry! I couldn't help it!" He laughed.

You laughed with him. Lunch hour was done and you guys headed back to class. Everyone was still talking and Mr. Aizawa wasn't there yet.

You read your book silently and Bakugo was talking with Kirishima. Class has already passed and you guys were the last to leave the school. You talked with Bakugo and on the way to the dormitory building. On the way there, you saw two familiar figures, your brothers.

"The hell you doing here?!" You exclaimed.

"Just looking for that bitch-ass Todoroki," Kovu smirked.

"Don't worry we won't hurt him," Drex assured you, "just wanna talk to him."

"Ha, you mean threaten him to stay away from Y/N or else he's gunna have nightmares the rest of his life. I have so many things I have planned," Kovu rubbed his hands together eagerly.

Drexler smacked him at the back of the head, that he face planted to the ground. Kovu got back up and had a nosebleed.

"Do your guys Mom know you're here?" Bakugo asked.

"Let's say no," Kovu wiped his nose with the back of his hand, "we said we were gunna go to the mall, which is true, and she knows that. What she doesn't know is that we stopped here. It's not that big of a lie."

"And you're in on this?!" You pointed to Drex, "I thought you were the responsible older brother."

He looked away, "well, if it comes to someone hurting my family, especially you, I can't stand there."

You stayed silent until you saw Todoroki coming outside, "well, there he is," you said.

Your brothers told you and Bakugo to go back inside, so you did.

Kovu's POV

"Excuse me, I don't think your allowed to be on the school grounds," Todoroki said.

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