Studying with Bakugo

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Regular POV

You gathered your books and pens, then headed to the door.

"Where you going?" Drexler said.

"To a friends house. Why?"

"Just wondering," he said as he looked through the pantry for some snacks.

"Okay," you put your shoes on.

"Just stay safe, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, bye!"

You walked the lonely streets and the setting sun turned the sky into a shade of pink, orange and red. The clouds blended in as well. Bakugo sent you directions to his house so it took you a while to figure it out.

You took two wrong turns and had to ask some people if they knew the way to Bakugos home street.

After 15-17min you finally arrived. "Woah." You knocked three times and Bakugo opened the door for you.


"Hey," you were pretty nervous, you looked up at his house, "it's huge!"

"That's what she said."

"She didn't say that to you though," you smirked.

"Hey! Just c-come on." He motioned you into the house and you followed him to his room.

"By the way, Y/N," he said as you both went to his room.


"Did you get a dorm yet?"

"Not yet, you?"

"Yeah I did, I stay here most of the time though."

"Oh nice."

You got out your books and settled down on Bakugos bed. He had a mini breakfast table he uses for studying, so he gave it to you for the time being.

"We have to work on page 69 an-"

"69," you laughed under your breath.

"Wha- shut up!"

"Okay I'll stop!"

Bakugo grabbed some glasses from his desk, "you have glasses?!" You said.

"Okay fine I won't wear them!" He was already putting it away.

"I didn't say that!" You stopped his hand, "it actually looks great on you."

"Oh, umm," he put them back on, "thanks I guess."

You guys worked on your homework the rest of the nights, occasionally getting yelled at by Bakugo. You made dirty jokes a lot, some also made Bakugo laugh a bit.

Both of you laughed together at a joke you said.

"You really are cute..." Bakugo said under his breath.

"You said something?" You asked as you wrote down some notes.

"Huh?" He then realized what he said, "N-no I didn't! You're hearing things!"

"Ookay?" You laughed a bit, "Your acting weird."

"You're the one acting weird!"

"Katsuki!!!" A voice yelled from downstairs, "Come and eat!!!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled back, "Wanna eat with us?"

"Sure thing," you said as you got your phone, "I'm going to let my brothers know first, I'll see you downstairs."


You called your brothers.

"How is it with your friend?" Kovu asked.

Katsuki Bakugo x Fem reader Where stories live. Discover now