Up on the roof top

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Bakugo was there already and I sat down beside him.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, Bakugo," I replied, "what are you doing up here?"

"Came here to think," he said, "when you were with uh, you know who, I come up here to think and just watch the sunset, it's always calming."

"Cool," I started to play music, and hummed along.

Bakugo got up and held out his hand, "Dance with me." That was all he said before I grabbed his hand and danced with him.

We spun around, and he would twirl me around. I remember when I did this with Todoroki, but when I do it with Bakugo, there's a different feeling. Its like the feeling when you see a newborn puppy, you just want to hold it. It's like with Bakugo, I can't control myself, I want to know what it will be like to kiss him. But I don't do it.

"Relax, idiot," he held onto my hips, "you're too stiff."

He spun me around and pulled me close to him, "is the is better?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is." My face was close to his, and I felt the warmth of his breath, "hey, look at the sunset."

I looked at the sunset.

"It's beautiful," I said.

"You know who I think about when I see a sunset like this?" He asked.


"Never mind," he sighed.

We sat down and the music in the background made this moment better.

Night fell, and the stars lit up the night sky. I laid down with my hands behind my head, Bakugo did the same.

We made shapes or animals with the stars, "Look at that one," I pointed up, "that one looks like a gauntlet, like yours."

"Yeah," he said, "if you look at that one," he pointed, "and tilt your head a bit it looks like a heart."

"Oh, yeah it does," I curved my hand to make the first half of the heart, and I didn't realize but Bakugo made the second half. Our hands touched and formed a heart.

I blushed, and laughed, "why does your hand have to be so damn big?!"

"I don't know," he said as he turned his body to face me, "but I do know that... I have a way bigger d-"

"Bakugo!" I playfully slapped his shoulder and he laughed.

I played more music and we sang quietly, trying not to get caught.

"Bakugo," I said, "you know you have a great voice, especially when you're singing."

"Thanks, you do as well."

"I was also wondering," I turned to him, "would you like to come over to my house after school, and meet my parents?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," he agreed, "am I staying for dinner or...?"

"Yes, you will," I took a pause, "if you want to of course."

"Yeah, yeah, I would love to stay over."

"Cool," I turned back to the sky.

We sang multiple songs and danced. It was getting cold, "you want my sweater?" He asked me.

"Sure," he gave it to me and I put it on.

"You look good in it," he said.

"Thanks," I said blushing.

We sat down and a few moments later we heard a deep voice behind us, "What are you two lovebirds doing up here? It's past your curfew."

We whipped our heads around and saw Mr. Aizawa staring at us so those tired eyes.

"Mr. Aizawa, we were just-" I started, he then put his hand up for silence.

"I don't need an explanation, just get to your rooms," he stared, "now."

We got our things then Bakugo said, "FYI, we aren't lovebirds, Mr.Aizawa."

Mr. Aizawa whispered something in his ear, I could barely hear it. Bakugo went wide eyed and said, "shut up."

We went to our dorms, and I took out my phone and texted Bakugo.

Me: r u planning on sleeping?

Angry Boi: no, u?

Me: maybe, just still thinking about Todoroki, I can't sleep.

Angry Boi: hey! Stop thinking about him. U don't need someone like him, and after wut he did to u, why r u still thinking abt him?!

Me: okay, okay, I won't think of him, but it still hurts...

Angry Boi: I know the feeling, you wanna call me?

Me: yeah, it's better to hear your voice.

Suddenly my phone rang and I answered instantly, "hey," I said.

"Hey," he said on the other side, "Wanna talk about it?"

"Sure," I said, I didn't really know where to start so I got to the point, "I have been with Todoroki for weeks, and I thought we were doing just fine, I thought we were gunna last. But I think he only faked it." I held back tears, "he told me that Momo made him happier, and that he didn't want to keep up what we had together. He is just like his older brother, they both played me, and cheated on me."

"You're not the only one who has experienced that," I heard Bakugo sigh, "In my past relationships, they only wanted me for either the attention, or so I could buy them things they wanted. They played with my heart, and I think that is why I always ignore everyone, I keep thinking I'm gunna be played with. And my temper got worse after every heartbreak, that's what made me become this angry hothead. But when I met you, I sorta, I dunno, cooled down."

"Well, I think that's what happened to me, too. With Dabi, I absolutely loved him, I will cook him the food he loves, and soon after he cheated on me with someone else, I became pretty short-tempered when people make me upset, or angry. I did everything for him. I would treat his burns, I would hold his face if he would accidentally burn me, I did everything. Now, I get short tempered, I am okay when I am with my family, but you, I get comfortable to show my true feelings, you were the only person, other than my family, who had ever seen me cry, or be at my worst and best. My close friends haven't seen me like that. That's how you made me feel when we hang out together."

"I didn't know I made you feel like that," he said, "you make me feel the same way when we are together."

We talked for about an hour before I fell asleep and he hung up after.

A/N: I hoped you like this one! I think you may have realized that I don't put pictures, it's just I can't find a picture that will match the story. But I think you can imagine it already. It's been a long time since I started this story, and I would love to say thank you to everyone reading this! Even if you read a few chapters, and like it, I would be overjoyed, thank you, loves! And luv ya ChibiCakes!

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