Chapter • 48

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"There's no more need to explain." Lady Dusbry took the liberty to slap my hand off her shoulder as she spoke in a cold tone, "I have realized that your uncultured words are of no more meaning to my ears. No matter how you try to deter me from being with Mr. Howenhail, I shall not give up. An unscrupulous woman like you is definitely not a good match for Mr. Howenhail, and I shall make sure that you will gravely regret not accepting my offer of a challenge when you had the chance to. Start counting your days because a true noble man like Mr. Howenhail would soon abandon the uncouth likes of you and be with a suitable partner like me."

After continuously rambling a series full of gibberish nonsense, she finally stomped off her foot onto the tiled floor and sauntered away while turning on her heels in an arrogant demeanor

"Wait!! ..." I, on the other hand, was left dumbfounded, wondering who the hell this Howenhail fellow was.

However, why did I feel as if this scene was very familiar?

It's like a naive little lady who bravely chased after her favorite male lead was being blocked by a cold and vicious cannon fodder villainess who was threatening her with harsh words like, "You'd better give up on him as soon as possible, he is not someone the likes of you can even imagine approaching."

.....And why did I feel like I was that cannon fodder villainess here!

(Sigh!)I really felt that stupid people were like glow sticks, I wanted to snap them and shake the shit out of them until the light came up.

Wanting no more to burn my brain cells while thinking of the absurd claptrap that that lady spoke of, I raced off to the restroom to finally relieve myself into ecstasy.

~ ••• ~

Early the next morning; I could vaguely hear a rooster crowing a cock-a-doodle-doo in the crack of dawn, and so used the duvet to cover my ears to jam off the noise. But the damn noise still continued to disturb my beauty sleep, so I rolled all over with closed eyes and stretched out my hands to grab a bit more handful of the duvet, but what greeted my claws was something pointy. I couldn't imagine what it could have been, so my half-woken mind to satisfy my curiosity roved my claws some more over that pointy thing.

And... it seemed to have become even pointier!?

That thought immediately woke me up good, and what I saw when I opened my eyes made me want to cut my claws off right at that moment.

The unspeakable. My Godforsaken hand had touched the unspeakable, while Reuben lay on the outer side of the bed, his eyes were still closed tight and his lips pressed stiffly against each other, he was without a duvet on his body and my unholy hand was on a particular unspeakable part of his body.

Like being seared by burning hot iron, I removed my now tainted hand off him, sat upright and scurried away from him while hugging my pillow to my chest, my eyes vigilantly watching if he was awake.

I gulped and cursed in my mind as I watched the frowning Reuben for a long time. Seeing that he was no longer moving and his breathing was even, I finally sighed in relief and cautiously put the pillow down and slowly approached him.

As I tried to stealthily crawl over his body to get out of bed, his eyes slowly opened wide, and he and I looked at each other in dumbfounded silence.

To tell the truth, I was startled stiff, petrified in my position midway of my great escape, and he watched me in utter silence. I swallowed my saliva and waited for him to speak first, but it soon became apparent that the guy had no intension to say anything at all, since he was now just staring back at me with a smile.

The situation kind of was in an awkward deadlock. After mulling over the matter for a long time I decided to take action, 'cause I felt that my midway gymnastic stunt was becoming much harder to maintain and if I did not do anything, it was not impossible that the two of us would be in a staring match with each other for a day.

So I took a deep breath, then straightened up with confidence, and slowly crawled over to the other side, then took the duvet and tucked him tight, calmly backed away and gave him a deep bow, "Okay, now you can continue to sleep." And then I ran away.

Reuben, "......"

~ ••• ~

After that little face-off event with lady Rabbly Dusbry, I did not see even the shadow of her until the next day.

After two whole days of rest, we were finally on the road once more, and believe me, I couldn't be happier. As long as I did not have to sit on pins and needles while that love struck lunatic woman glared daggers into my skull every morning, I was a happy soul.

I literally rolled into the carriage with such a gleeful expression on my face that anyone who even looked at the back of my head would notice my delight.

"So happy?" Reuben raised an amused brow as he got into the same carriage, and I suddenly couldn't help but stiffen up. That little farce in the morning had me real flustered, but I soon decided to totally bypass that episode as if it had never happened and turned to grin at him widely.

"Of course. At least I won't get indigestion in the early morning from now on." I heaved a sigh while I had no intention of hiding my jolly mood at all.

Reuben stretched out his hand and gently brushed the few strands of unkempt hair from my forehead intimately while softly muttering, "(Sigh!)It's been hard on you these days. Look at how much weight you have already lost, tsk tsk!"

I, who had recently gained about four to five kilos of fat due to only ever sitting and eating during the journey, who also almost couldn't fit into my own clothes, already lost my good mood for the day.

Really, only vindictive people like Reuben would ever comment on a sensitive topic like a girl's weight.

I curse him to be fat and greasy in his old age, damn Mummy!


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