Chapter • 46

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‘It was like in a movie. A dream come true. The first time they saw each other, they knew they were meant together. Under the rain, waiting for him, hoping he would show up. A bittersweet dream that she wanted never to wake up from. Star-struck, you could call her, but she was just in love.’

"'Snap!' 'Snap!' 'Snap!' Hey, come back down here, darling wife. Why does the lady looks as though her soul has been sucked out of her body?" I heard Reuben's irritating whisper in my ears as he clicked his fingers in front of my eyes, snapping me out of my trance. My reaction? I almost jumped out of my own skin if you are ever left wondering. And yes, I was making up girly heart-throbbing scenarios inside of my head as I watched the dazed looking noble lady at the counter of the inn just now(What? Don't judge me, a girl's gotta find some kind of entertainment in this feudal era. You don't understand how boring it gets when there's no internet to stalk and gossip about people online)

"Do you have to be so involved with me 24/7? Can't I be left alone once in a while? I'm very busy you know." I almost cried out in frustration.

"Hmm~ really? You? Busy?" His mocking smile made me want to paste his face with my pink shovel, believe me I would if I had it with me right now.

"Yeah! Can't I be? It may look like I'm doing nothing, but in my head, I'm quite busy if you must know." I said with a straight face.

Reuben hid a little smile and nodded understandingly. "I see. Quite busy indeed."

"However, no matter how busy you are my dear, we got to get into our quarters as soon as possible for we don't want to wear out our subordinates, and let them retire for the day, hmm?" He smiled as he gestured towards the awaiting underlings by the door of our room.

"Ahh!" I couldn't help blushing in embarrassment as I quickly made my way into the room. But not before sparing one fleeting glance at the noble lady was still stood in a daze at the far corner of the inn. Well, she seemed very love-struck, I 'tsk' 'tsk' while shaking my head from side to side. One more poor young lady to add to the tallies of his board of love interests.

~ ••• ~

The next morning was a beautiful one, well... if you don't count the glowering lady into the back of my skull, then it was indeed a very beautiful morning. 

"Sigh!" I could not help sighing as I thought I would be getting indigestion early in the morning in lieu of that drop-dead gorgeous face of Reuben. Can’t believe I was really missing the mummy bad these days(Sigh!).

I slightly cracked my head around to look back, only to see a very dark atmosphere hanging around in the table right behind me. It almost made me gulp a bout full of saliva to relieve my dry throat. 'Okay, okay, let's not mind other people's business. Yes, it's better not to mind what the people around me are thinking. Safer that way.'

"Snicker! Snicker!"

I snapped my head up to look at an amused Reuben as he sat in front of me with his hand supporting his head and he cocked his head to one side in a playful manner as he watched the drama of a jealous unrequited love unfold with sheer glee glimmering in his eyes. And let me tell you, this was not the first time I was placed in such an uncomfortable situation. Whenever we came across young ladies, and that deadly face of terrifying Crit value was revealed in front of the innocent unbeknownst public, I was usually used as a human meat shield to ward off the ladies. If you ask me, it was getting really annoying by now.

Fortunately, the ladies we had come across until now had been sensible enough to not come over to make me more miserable than I already was. But today, today my fortune seemed to have waned thin, for lady Rabbly Dusbry was not most ladies. She was what you'd call the stupid rich villainess in all romance fantasy novels(Yeah, I still can't believe those kind of people really existed in real life until I met Lady Rabbly Dusbry. It even made me question life, if you must know).

"Excuse me, may I have the honor to introduce myself, I am lady Rabbly Dusbry from the Dusbry viscount's household, may I know who this gentleman is?" She abruptly flapped open her bejewelled hand fan in an elegant manner and hid her shy face behind it. Yup, very much a well-bred noble lady. But of course, completely ignoring my existence in the process.

The person in question however, did not even lift his head up to give her a single glance and only just kept staring at me with a little smile at the corner of his lips, as if he had completely turned deaf all of a sudden. In a nutshell, everything and everyone around except for the said-Reuben was hella' awkward.

I, on the other hand, was sweating a bucketful, wishing I was anywhere but here.

Seconds turned into minutes while the lady of Dusbry awaited Reuben's response with eager eyes, while things got more and more awkward to be precise, and I could not help but bury my face into the breakfast bowl to escape the overly crazy situation. But all Reuben did was watch me with overly enthusiastic weirded out eyes, I don't even want to decipher what he was insinuating with that weird gaze of his, but I was very aware of the piercing glare that was glowering down on me from the right side.

Of course, it couldn't be more apparent that Reuben was blatantly ignoring the noble lady and in turn throwing everything up to me to deal with. That's what his hot and heavy gaze on me meant. (Sigh!) No wonder I hate my life.

"Excuse me, this nobleman, have I come over too strongly? I'm sorry if you feel offended? I just could not stop myself from coming over to introduce myself. May I know where you are off to? My family owns the next city right next to the Dusbry wasteland, maybe I could show you the ropes around here."  She snapped the fan off and gave Reuben what she thought was a dazzlingly lovely smile. But sadly so, it was to no avail. The poor lady was still ignored.

'It was love at first sight. It was everything she ever wished for in a man. Handsome, cool, domineering, badboy... and a jerk, which made him all the more hotter. He treated her like crap, bullied her at every turn of the head, but she still could not resist his charms. One moment he was as warm as the sun, and the next, he was a cold emotionless iceberg. She was left confused, miserable, and irrevocably in love with him. For him, she gave up her dignity, self-respect and faith. She was always left insecure, but whenever she was on the verge of letting go, he would always come back to her. And as such, was the unique love-hate story of a bipolar disorderly man and a naive Mary sue lady. Mhmm! Kids, that's how I met your father.'    

"Mhmm? You're done?" I snapped back to my senses as I found Reuben eyeballing me intensively, his smile so wrong I wanted to run for the hills.

TO BE CONTINUED..............

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