Chapter ♦ 27

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AUTHOR's NOTE: Hello dear readers, I've picked up MFL once more and you can get access to the advanced chapters of MFL in Webnovel(P.S. It's 70% off for the next 24 hrs. So, if you wanna read it, you can get it for a discount now ☺️)

For those who had not gotten the promised Sunday chapter of 'The Veneer of Beotis Lagraine(TVOBL)', I'm so sorry, I was busy working on MFL and forgot to write the new chapter 😅. I will pick it up tomorrow and will update 'TVOBL'. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE.

LOVE you all and enjoy 😘💞

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The Heavens must’ve sworn to never let me take a breather.

Either that or the Gods above must have vowed to be my enemy in this lifetime. Because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have tried to put me in these difficult predicaments time and time again. I had just somehow, succeeded in saving myself from a possible public persecution just yesterday, and today, I was already in another deadlock.

“I greet the Majesty, Empress dowager, the waxing moon of the kingdom.” I bowed respectfully in front of the sly poisonous snake called Empress dowager with shaky hips. 

Don’t ask me why I was summoned, I was so mentally exhausted that I didn’t even have enough brain cells to burn and think about what new conspiracies the Queen Dowager was weaving.

I was in my cherished dreamland this morning when the summons of the Queen Dowager, who definitely had not slept the whole night, rudely woke me up, causing me to have a rare cranky temper. If she wasn’t an opponent I couldn’t best, I would’ve choked her with slumber dust and let her have epilepsy attacks for a lifetime, I tell you!

“Ah! There you are, my royal daughter-in-law. It’s been a while since we had last had such leisurely tea-time, isn’t it?” The Queen Dowager smiled beautifully, no sign of any dark circles or fatigue from last night’s attack, as fresh as a *Beeping* daisy!

“Yes, Queen mother. It has, certainly been a while.” Whereas I could hardly pull out a reluctant smile.  

“Please, do not stand any longer. Come and sit by me.” She ushered me with a smile to take the seat beside her, her gestures very welcoming. 

I gulped and looked at her once more as I thought, ‘If I didn’t know any better, I would still be duped by her Oscar-winning acting to this day.’ Without further ado, I made my way and sat beside her. P.S. The seat beside the Queen Dowager felt like it was embedded with invisible pins and needles, which made me extra uncomfortable, but I still endured. 

She glanced at me to encourage me to have a sip of my tea as she took a sip of her own. And I, had to pick up my cup with shaky hands, praying it did not have any poison which could silence me forever this early in the morning.

“Actually, I had to summon you this early because a letter had arrived from the dukedom of Ronales this morning addressing to you.” 

“Phffttt!!!” The tea that I had not even have the time to gulp down was spilled out of my mouth into a raining spree of spit-plus-tea and at that moment, I could only be grateful that I was not facing the Queen Dowager while I was spraying tea out my mouth. 

“Cough! Cough! Cough!” I coughed vigorously, my face, as a consequent, turning a shade of bright suffocating red. “I-I’m so sorry, Q-Queen mother(Cough!) (Cough!) I..” I could hardly talk and the Queen Dowager’s face was worth a watch.

Her always poised demeanour was on the verge of collapsing and I could already see dark foreboding clouds of chaos clouding my already bleak future.

“I-It’s it’s alright. (Ahem!) The maids will clean this up and, I will go and have a change of clothes.” The Queen Dowager abruptly stood up and rushed out of the door.

At the time, the two of us were the only in the room for it seemed like the Queen Dowager wanted privacy for what she was about to discuss with me. So, when she so, urgently ran out of the room, the people outside were all startled and dumbfounded.

“Y-Your Majesty! What happened?” I could hear the maids and attendant’s flustered voices, but at the moment, I could care for none. 

What I cared most for, was the blasted letter from that rotten Ronales household and if the Queen Dowager had any inklings about my real identity. It seemed like my life was hanging by a thread once again (Cries~).

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“Ahem! I-I apologise for my unruly behaviour.” I bowed my head pitifully as I started my melodramatic farce, “When I heard that my father finally sent me a letter, I-I was so startled that I couldn’t help but show my impetuous behaviour in front of Queen mother. I humbly beg for your forgiveness.”

“Oh dear, no need for such formalities between family. I quiet understand how you felt when you heard of a letter from home.” She smiled softly, looking like the exact replica of mother Mary. But, why did I feel like her earnest words held many underlying meanings? Mama, I’m scared.

“Haha, s-so... where is the letter?”, I gulped, and asked.

“Ah yes. It is with me dear. Here you are.” She passed me the letter with the kindest smile anyone had ever shown me, but I felt, it was the cruellest sneer anyone had ever shown me. 

With trembling hands, I took the letter and opened it.

And, when I saw what was written inside, I had my eyes widened to the point where they were about to fall out of my sockets.


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