Chapter • 32

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Shock had been an emotion I never coped with well. And right now, I was shocked out of my wits.

I had imagined all kinds of scenarios when I would finally reunited(note the sarcasm please) with Reuben. But never being abruptly kissed in front of all his subordinates. PDAing was really not my cup of tea, and me being me, an awkward standoffish weirdo who never had the romance of her life, you can imagine my state of mind.

My mind was somewhere up in the clouds in a daze and I went completely offline after that as my embarrassment did not let me have a sane mind; because if I were to keep my sanity intact at this moment, I think I would be wanting to rather dig a nice little hole up in the backyard and bury myself in it, with a flower on top.

I think Reuben knew that, because the prick had the galls to pinch my soft fragile waist meat to force a reaction out of me. Imagine that! I see that once you let pricks slide, they start to think they can ice-skate.

And so, I started frantically struggling against the guy. I didn't believe I would not be able to break free if I tried hard enough. But what stood between me and my imagination was a face-slapping reality.

He had both my hands, and arms, and legs, if you're wondering, trapped firmly like an iron whip bounding my movements and snagging me into his arms. I had to wonder at this moment, what kind of steroids the guy was really on, and if it could work on women as well(What! I'm sick and tired of being a fragile little lady).

And it seems he felt my mind wondering and galloping in the meadows of imagination once more, for he begrudgingly bit my lower lip to pull in my attention. I frowned disapprovingly at the man as thought, 'This dog is really going to give me rabies one of these days.'

Soon I realized I was as useless as the 'G' in 'lasagne' when it came to dealing with Reuben, so I just let him do whatever he wanted and started my metamorphosis into that of Nun_

'Dear Lord, Alla, Buddha, Jeus and Hades,

Give me the Wine to make it bearable what I can't change.

The Beer to endure the joke that I now call 'my life'

And the wisdom called sarcasm, to never get my knickers in a knot,

Because it solves nothing and makes me walk funny.


And the pervert finally let me off, with a wicked grin stamped to his now swollen lips.

"What are you so dazed about, hmm? Don't even care to give me half of your attention?" The prick had the galls to complain after he slobbered all over my lips for I don't know how long!

I pulled out the fakest smile I could muster and said with my eyes, squinted and shining brighter than the sun, "Your Majesty~ all of me is only ever yours. From the tip of my hairs to the end of my feet nailbeds. What are you complaining about now? Someone should call the imperial inspection knights, 'cause you, my King, have stolen my heart. Picturing you naked is the most productive thing I've done all day. I love you like a pig loves not being a bacon."

And let me tell you this, I loved the gradual crumpling face of Reuben. People might say, he looked ugly, constipated and choked for words at this moment, but to me, God! It was all gold. I would love it if he could keep making such a face for an eternity.

"Pfft!" Both Reuben and me whipped out heads to look at the perpetrator of that slipped-snicker and came face-to-face with a shaky-shouldered Lexter.

Reuben's face got even uglier at that, while I smiled... more like grinned from ear to ear, like a naughty cheshire cat as I glanced at all the shaky-shouldered people around. They didn't dare to laugh at the face of their king, but my awesome sense of humour got to them as well. Ah! I suddenly feel so blessed.

"All of you lot, scram!" Reuben's awfully dangerous voice echoed in the air, bringing a sudden fatal chill to the prior comfortable atmosphere. As such, all the people including Alexteris and Co. made a hasty run for it. They seemed to have sensed the treacherous aura sipping out of the man on whose laps I meekly sat, not even daring to make a peep.

All of a sudden, the otherwise bustling tavern became as empty as a cold cemetery and I swallowed hard in nervousness, all my prior sassiness gone with the wind.

"Now then, where were we? Fake Lizzy?" He looked at me with deep-seated eyes and smiled like a sphinx, scarring me shitless in the process.

"W-We... were nowhere?" I smiled sheepishly, wishing he would let me slide this once.

I couldn't help but gulp and he chuckled happily at my nervous breakdown, knowing full well of his effects on me.

"What are you scared of? Don't both your heart and soul all belongs to me now? What more can this husband wish for? Hmm?" He had a sly gleam in his eyes, looking triumphant as ever.

I knew he was toying with me, joking even. But suddenly, I didn't think I had the guts to refute him all the same; feeling as if his teasing could turn into butchery any given moment.

"S-So, why did you send all the people away? Is there something really private that you have to talk to me about?" I enquired with a gulp.

"(Chuckle) Of course there is. How have you been?" He asked with a smile.

And my lips couldn't help but twitch.

Did he just asked me a random multiple-choice question without any multiple choices? Or was he unto something more specific?

I realized it was getting increasingly difficult to decipher the meaning behind Reuben's actions lately. First he suddenly kissed me in front of all the moment we met, and then, now that we are alone, he is asking me weird irrelevant questions?

What was going on with this guy?


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