Chapter ♦ 21

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The beautiful cursive writing of the lavender scented letter didn’t make the words written any less annoying.

The corner of my eyes twitched as I reread the nonsensical words sent by Reuben, just like the nonsensical words he had written to me in the last letter. Sometimes I had to wonder if this guy was really born to be the bane of my existence.

“....Wow! Is Her Highness’s father’s name really Jesus?” Liana by my side, who had very well recovered from her injuries now asked with a faint enquiring gaze.

And I couldn’t help but scoff at her question.

Of course not. That was just a joke I made up to annoy Reuben when he asked me the identity of Jesus in his last letter. No hello, no how are you, nothing. After the ordeal of almost being burned alive, the first letter that blasted guy sends me was a single sentence letter, where he questioned me about the identity of Jesus, said it was one of his many curiosities in life. Can I now burn incense anticipating his early demise so that he could go meet up with Jesus himself and curb his bloody curiosity?

Yeah okay, I am just ranting ‘cause this guy always gets on my nerves whenever he opens his cursed mouth.

“ *Phui!* He is the living proof that God has a sense of humor.” I snorted in derision.

“(Chuckle Chuckle)!”

I raised my eyes to look at the mirthful look in Liana’s eyes and frowned in consequence. “What? What’re you laughing at?” I, for the instance, did not find anything funny about that guy’s jeering provoking letters.

“Haha... Your Highness, why don’t you just admit that you are annoyed because His Majesty did not ask you about your wellbeing after the fire ordeal like any normal husband would, but rather made roundabout jokes to irritate you instead. Have you ever thought that that was his initial goal itself, My Liege?”  Liana couldn’t be more direct.

Of course, I thought about that. A guy like Reuben who loved taking pleasure in other’s misery, particularly in mine, would definitely not think like a normal person and had the tendency to talk about nonsense just so he could see me squirm and annoyed. How could I not know his personality after the few tussles I had with the bastard. But that didn’t make me feel any better. Even a ruthless boss would ask about his employee’s injuries just to keep up appearances. But this guy never seemed to play his card according to common sense.

“Why don’t you just admit that you are angry because His Majesty did not ask you about your wellbeing?” Liana couldn’t help but giggle again.

“Liana! Know your boundaries.” Rubia, who stood quietly by an inconspicuous corner voiced her dissatisfaction with Liana’s carefree attitude. Thus, little Liana visibly stepped back and lowered her head like a beaten-up turtle regressing into her little shell.

Oh dear, Liana has been more reclined and restrained since Rubia started serving at my side. Liana, compared to Rubia, was a girl of a tender age of sixteen. She was still not matured enough to keep to her bounds sometimes, and i did not necessarily mind that. She was after all, a cheerful kind girl and my sole dear disciple. But Rubia on the other hand, found her occasionally unrestrained behaviour very piercing to the eyes.

“Rubia, it is quite alright. Liana is still young and has much to learn. Besides, it’s not like i am out of stuff to tease her about it in return.” I smirked with a wicked glint in my eyes.

Looking at my mischievous expression, liana visibly gulped a bout of saliva to moisten her dry throat. “What? Afraid I would tease you about Fred to the point of shedding cold sweat, my little Liana?~” I grinned a toothy smile, “See what I told you? The two of you are really tied together with the pink strings of fated underwears.”

And suddenly, Liana’s face blushed with hundred different shades of red.

“I, I.... Y-You know there is nothing going on between Sir Fredurd and me, Your Highness.” She stuttered in a meek tone.

“Uh-huh! You keep telling that to yourself if that makes you sleep at night.” I smiled lightly at her.

In return, Liana could only make a bitter face and shut her mouth. I mean, who didn’t know it was her who went to the royal infirmary every day since Fred’s accident to personally take care of him. No matter how vehemently she denies, the bright lovely sparkle in her eyes could not even fool a blind man, much less me.

Where romance was quietly blooming between my two subordinates, in the same palace, dark conspiracies were silently being woven to overthrow the king. But that was not for us to uncover... yet.

“Anyways, how’s your revenge plan going?” I decided to not embarrass Liana any further and enquired about serious business.

Even if I had wanted Liana to get her revenge on her own, I still couldn’t really extract myself from the situation completely. After all, she was my one and only disciple. And now that we had Rubia in our team, I felt I could really rest assured to leave things in Liana’s hands as meticulous Rubia was always there to take care of any messes Liana might make.

“Rest assured Your Highness, with big sister Ruby by my side, there’s no way my plan could go wrong.” Liana let out a confident smile, her straight nose high up in the sky with pride.

I raised a brow to that, and looked at Rubia in amusement, a questioning look in my eyes. Rubia smiled lightly and could only shake her head from side to side at the childishness of her junior. ‘Hmm! When did the relationship between these two got so intimate?’ I wondered.      

No matter how much I asked the two of them, they refused to disclose any gory details about their arrangements to me, and I could only wait with an anticipated heart till the sun hit the horizon of the plane that day.

And when the night finally veiled the sky into an inky darkness was when I found out what my two naughty kittens.... Ahem!~ I mean what my two good maids have arranged.


I stood stunned; my mouth hung agape as my feet were rooted to the cold hard floor of my bedroom balcony. The wind was waving the tree branches of the royal garden as if in a raucous ballgame celebration, and was also fuelling that unconstrained fire in the Eastern palace of the Queen Dowager with a kind of powerful passion that was never seen before.

My dear Liana and Rubia!(*Gulps*) You guys’ guts sure are commendable!


   TO BE CONTINUED.........


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