☆ eighteen ☆

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allys pov. the next day (saturday).

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it was around mid day, i was sitting on the couch in the lounge room everyone was still alseep except for kirk.

he was in the kitchen. i was just sitting doing nothing. kirk walked into the lounge room and sat on the couch next me. he had a hot tea in his hands.

i laughed a bit, he looked funny with his glasses and his tea. he cracked a smile knowing he looked funny.
he took a sip of his hot tea and his glasses fogged up which only made me laugh more.

after our little laughing fit i said "so kirk".

"so ally" he replied.

"got any plans for today?" i asked. his facial expression changed a bit, he looked...nervous almost. "um kinda, but i need your help" he said putting his tea on the coffee table. "go on..." i said.
"so i think i like this girl-" he spoke quietly "you like girls?!" i joked, "ally shh...the guys don't know" he joked back.

"oh i see okay" i nodded in understanding. "so there's this girl...cindy" he continued. "i wanted to ask her out this weekend, but i don't know how" he spoke running a hand through his messy curly hair.

"what does she like?" i asked. "me hopefully" kirk replied, "no, i mean to do" i said "me hopefully" kirk replied with a laugh and a evil grin. i face palmed and he laughed again so proud of himself.

"so...moving on. seriously, what does she like to do? does she like music or..?" i asked, "she likes horror movies" kirk replied with a smile.

"okay awesome. ask her to go see a horror movie with you...tomorrow, give her time to process and get ready" i said. he nodded.

"in the meantime, you and i are going on a mission. get dressed" i stated and left to james room, he was still fast asleep.

i grabbed some of the clothes i had left in his room and changed into them. i slipped some boots on and waited for kirk to be ready.

when he was we got in his car and he said "so where are we going?" while pulling out of the driveway.

"we are going to the movies to see what's on tomorrow, we'll get the time table" i explained.

he nodded and continued to drive to the movie theatre. after a few minutes we arrived at the cinema and went to the stand where they kept the timetables.

i read what was playing tomorrow until i saw 'halloween II' i smiled. "you have to see halloween 2 kirk!" i said showing him the timetable, he nodded and smiled too, "definitely!" he said.

"let's go home, you have to call her!" i said running, pulling him back towards the car. he got in the car and started driving us back home, he kept saying things like...

"but what if she says no?"

"what if she doesn't like me back?"

"what do i say?"

he went on and on.

i reassured him what i swear was 1000 times that it would be okay. once we finally made it home, there was music blasting as per usual, i ran inside dragging kirk with me.

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