☆ thirty six ☆

167 5 12

ally's pov:

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the morning sunlight shone on my skin through the curtains, as i slowly stired awake.

i found myself nestled in jamies arms. my head on his chest as it rose and fell from his breaths.

it was both a comforting and overwhelming feeling. i felt like a flood of emotions rushing in all at once.

i rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times truely stopping to think wether i was dreaming or not.

but lo and behold there he is, right in front of me, sleeping so peacefully. a small smile creeped onto my face as i looked up at him.

it had been so long since i had been able to see him like this. just sleeping, calm, happy. i missed it so much.

we made it through those rough two months apart, and now he's here. we're here, together.

i reached out to touch his face, my finger gently moving across his cheek but then memories of our time apart fill my mind, all the pain, the sorrow, the tears and the uncertainty. it was so hard not having him in my life. not knowing if i was ever going to have him again, i lost all trust and faith in everything and everyone.

the break truely tested us in ways i could have never imagined, but being here now, in his arms, felt like i was back home.

i couldn't help the tear that escaped my eye as i admitted to the thin air "i missed you...".

i missed everything about him. the way he smiles, the way he makes me laugh until i can't breathe, the way he looked at me and the way he would tell me i was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

his eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me. he gave me a warm smile. i felt my heart skip a beat as he tightened his arm around me.

"good morning, beautiful," he said softly as i melted at the sound of his voice.

"good morning...i can't believe you're really here," i replied still trying to take it all in without bursting into tears.

he moved his arm from around me to rest on my head, gently stroking my hair. his touch grounding me and reminding me it's all real.

"i missed you too, ally. more than you'll ever know"

"i don't want to go through that again" i said, my voice slightly trembling. "the break was so hard." he squeezed my hand tightly, reassuringly.

"i know baby. i promise you, we'll figure things out together. i don't want to lose you either."

in that moment, i felt an overwhelming sense of love and hope.

that overwhelming feeling of love and hope surging through my entire body right now is like a hurricane of pure emotion.

it is as if my heart grew in my chest beating with a new intensity of love for that boy that i had never experienced before. it filled me with happiness.

i feel this sort of electric connection between us, a magnetic pull that draws us closer together.

as the morning sunlight bathes us in a warm glow i cannot help but feel that this is a new beginning for us. the journey back to each other has just begun, and i know it won't be easy but im willing to fight for us...i just hope he is willing to fight as well.

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