☆ thirty five ☆

158 8 11


ally's pov:

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"yeah i would" he said.

my chest loosened and i was able to breathe again. "ok...when are you free?" i asked, treading lightly. i didn't wanna do anything to ruin my chances.

"im free right now if you are" he croakily spoke into the phone. his voice sounds a little fragile or like he had just woken up.

"yeah, im free" i said trying not to sound too excited.

we decided that he was gonna pick me up and we were gonna get coffee, bring it to sit at the golden gate bridge and talk.

i had to give him the new address seeing as im living with amy now. he was suprised to hear that which surprised me too because i thought one of the guys would've told him.

we decided to meet up at 1 so i had two hours to get ready. it had been about 2 months since he'd last seen me so i needed to look good.

i put on a dress. a casual short black dress and i chucked a hoddie on top seeing as it was on the chillier side today.

after i was dressed i slipped my converse on then sat down to do my make up. i started putting just a little bit of make up before amy walked in.

"oooh, what're you getting ready for? hot date finally?" she smiled while leaning against my door frame.

"actually, james and i are gonna get a coffee and talk" i looked at her face from the mirror.

her eyes widened and she smiled "oh my god ally that's great" she knew how much i still loved the boy. she would sit with me and talk me through things while i sobbed to her.

"yeah, im pretty excited" i smiled back, continuing to do my make up.

"well, i'll let you get ready but i'm here and i want details when you get back" she came up behind me and rubbed my back while giving me a genuinely happy smile.

"thanks hun, i promise i'll tell you everything as soon as i get back" i say as i turned around to look at her in the eyes.

she nodded and left me to finish getting ready.

i did my make up pretty casually just some black around my eyes and a lot of mascara. i smudged the black until i liked the way it looked.

i then went into the bathroom and straightened my hair. i also put a bit of volume spray so that it wasn't completely flat.

i looked at myself in the mirror for a bit taking a moment to look at myself and think if there was anything else i needed? oh! jewellery.

i went to my jewellery cabinet and put a few rings on as well as some small skull earrings.

i think im ready? that's when it all hit me. i was going to see james. like actually see him in real life, do i hug him? fuck.

the anxiety really started to kick in and my hands started to shake like crazy.

i went into the kitchen and got a glass of water to try and calm myself down. it helped a little bit as i took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes.

it's okay. it's just james. james from highschool. your best friend james. it's okay. i told myself in my head and it seemed to work as my heart was slowing back down.

i checked for the time on the stove 12:55pm okay i had 5 minutes to think, calmly, about what i was going to do.

those five minutes went faster than anything as i checked to make sure i had my wallet and anything else i needed but before i knew it i heard a knock on the door.

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