☆ eight ☆

592 17 6

a/n:  do we like the new cover? ^

allys pov. still the same night (wednesday)

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i ran to my car tears fogging my vision. once i reached my car i jumped into the front seat and screamed.

i fucking knew i wahould never be good enough. or pretty enough or skinny enough. why was i never fucking good enough?

i slammed my hands on to the rim of my steering wheel so hard i would definitely have bruises. i was so angry but all i could do was cry. i wiped my tears and started the car.

i couldn't be here anymore. i reversed out and started to drive home. i went over the speed limit, i just needed to get away. after a short drive i pulled into my driveway. my aunts car wasn't here thank god.

i ran into the house and straight to my room. i slammed my door shut and threw myself against it.

i slid down the door and ran my sweaty hands through my hair tugging at my roots still crying.

james pov.

i heard the door open, i got excited.

i thought it was ally coming back...but no. it was my ex vanessa, i hate that bitch. the moment she spotted me on the couch she started walking over to me.

she immediately placed herself on my lap. i was so uncomfortable but when i thought it couldn't get much worse she smashed her lips onto mine.

i was too high and far to drunk to even register what was happening. but before i could pull away ally walked in and saw it.

i heard the door slam shut and i basically threw vanessa off me.

she slapped my arm and said "what the fuck?". i stood up with wide eyes and replied "what do you mean vanessa? i have a fucking girlfriend!".

she rolled her eyes and said "what, that fucking sad sack? i know you james, you would rather have me".

all of a sudden i felt really sick. i started running towards the bathroom, i fell to the ground and put my head over the toilet bowl as i threw up.

i really fucking liked ally. why did vanessa have to ruin everything.

allys pov.

why did i ever think james would want to be with me.

i mean look at that girl, she was flawless.

and i was me.

i crawled into my bed and sobbed into my pillow.

the next day (thursday)

i woke up feeling like shit, i had a headache and my eyes were puffy.

i had a ten am shift today at the gas station.

it was currently nine thirty am so i dragged myself out of the bed and to the bathroom. i stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at myself. i looked disgusting.

i brushed my messy hair, brushed my teeth and put on a decent amount of make up. i wanted to hide my disgusting face. i went back into my bedroom and drowsily picked an outfit.

i slipped on a big plain black shirt and some big blue ripped jeans.

i checked myself in the mirror one last time...still look like shit.

i grabbed my bag and left the house. i couldn't stop thinking about james.

i got in my car and started it, my misfits tape started playing, it reminded me of the first night i gave him a ride home.

i pulled it out instantly, i can't cry right now i have make up on. i continued my drive to work in silence.

i made it to work. i got my keys and name tag. it was a thursday so probably wasn't going to be that busy.

i sat on my chair behind the counter and stared out the window watching the cars pass. after awhile i served a few customers and restocked the shelf's etc.

time skip

it was around 1:30 pm so my shift was coming to an end soon. i heard the bell jingle above the door, i looked up and saw it was cliff.

i tensed up a bit and looked back at the ground, he walked up to me and said "hey ally" i rubbed the back of my neck and said "hey cliff". he pulled out his wallet and said "can i please get some rolling papers".

i nodded and unlocked the draw where we held the rolling papers and put them on the table.

while he was pulling cash out of his wallet he said "you know james didn't purposely kiss her..." i sighed and said "im trying not to think about it right now"

he pushed his hair out of his face "seriously though, that's his ex vanessa we all hate her, she's like a fucking stalker we don't even know how she found our new address...she just walked right up to james and started kissing him. he was too fucking drunk and high to understand what was happening" cliff explained.

tears threatened to spill from my make up covered eyes as i shakily said "$3 please".

he handed me the cash and said "ally... im not trying to say what happened was okay cause it's fuckin' not but just think about what i said".

he took his rolling papers and left. i sat back in my seat and cried a little. i checked the clock every minute until it finally said two pm.

i grabbed my bag and basically ran to my car. i sat in the front seat, my mascara was running all down my face now. i pulled out of the parking lot and drove to shannon's house.

i didn't know if she was even gonna be home but also she doesn't have a car so she couldn't really go anywhere.

i turned into her street and saw her out the front of her house with a smoke. her parents must not be home.

when she saw me she stomped on the cigarette and walked over to my car.

she saw my tears and said "what did i miss" with a sigh.

she jumped into the car. i filled her in on what happened and she said "oh my god, ally. im so sorry".

i shrugged it off and said "well with what cliff told me i don't know how to feel...like should i go see him or wait?".

she looked at me in the eyes and said "well james doesn't seem like the cheating type".

i sighed and replied "so should i go and talk to him?" she slowly nodded almost like she was scared to answer.

i started driving to james house, she looked confused and said "wait...right now?".

i nodded and said "no better time then the present" shannon shrugged and leaned back into her seat accepting the unplanned journey.

on the way to the guys house shannon and i talked, she told me how she's dating tyler and she's got a new job.

i pulled into his driveway and parked the car. i looked over at shannon and she said "you can do it" i nodded and walked up the front door.

i quietly knocked and kirk answered. he opened the door and instantly gave me a big hug. i hugged him back and he said "james is in his room".

i thanked him and walked up to james room. i quietly knocked on the door. he croakily said "come in" i opened the door and stood in the doorframe for a bit.

when he realised it was me his eyes went wide and he said "oh shit...ally".

he was on the ground. beer bottles all around him. he smelled like beer and weed.

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