☆ fourteen ☆

423 13 4

allys pov. the next day (sunday)

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i woke up in james bed. he was on the floor, i laughed at how he still had a beer bottle in his hand and drawings all over his face.

i don't remember much of the events of last night after the gig, i just remember kick ons were at our house.

i walked out of the bedroom leaving james on the ground. i walked into the living room kirk and lars were asleep on the couch together and a few other of their friends scattered on the ground.

i walked further into the lounge room and the tv was still on but it was just a fuzzy screen.

i heard the front door open. i jumped in shock at first but turns out it was just cliff coming back inside from having a smoke.

he came up to me and patted my shoulder while saying "sorry didn't mean to scare you... im going back to bed", i nodded at him as i tried to hold in my laughs at his crazy bed hair.

i walked into the kitchen. beer bottles everywhere on the counter, pretty average.

i looked up and saw the clock that read one pm. also pretty average. i realised that i had literally no reason to be in the kitchen.

i slowly crept back into james room trying not to wake the others sleeping. i tried my best to pull him back on to the bed which i was eventually successful but it took way too long.

when he was finally on the bed i threw the blankets over him and said "james...im gonna go home and see my aunt" he mumbled something along the lines of "okay babe" but when i tried to leave he reached out and grabbed my arm.

he pulled me closer to him and gave me a kiss, i kissed him back and gave him a big hug. he gently let go of me and passed out, i tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and kissed his cheek.

i walked to his door and quietly said "i love you james..." hoping he didn't hear it. it's too early to be saying that.

i quietly shut the door and kinda rushed out incase he did hear me.

i noticed kirk and lars were now awake and looking rougher then ever. i walked over to them and gave them each a quick goodbye hug.

i walked out the front door and to my car. i sat in the comfortable worn out front seat and drove off.

i knew my aunt didn't work most sunday's so she should be home.

why not do something nice?

just when i was about to turn into my street instead i decided to keep going straight until i reached some cute shops.

i don't care that i look like shit and that I'm slightly hungover, could throw up at any moment.

i walked into the first shop among the lot, a small flower shop.

i had a look until i saw my aunts favourite, dahlias. i picked up the bouquet and purchased them while having a nice chat to the older lady who ran the shop.

i said goodbye to her and walked past some of the other shops until i found another small shop that was kind of like a second hand shop.

i was looking down at some of the old jewellery they had. i noticed some beautiful black stone earrings that reminded me so much of her so of course i had to get them.

the lady working at the shop walked up to me and said "hey... can i help you with anything?" i looked up at her and nodded.

"hi, yes, could i please get those earrings" i said while pointing at the exact earrings i wanted. she took them out of the glass and said "these ones?" i nodded and she said "they're beautiful honey".

i smiled at her and walked across looking at more jewellery. i saw some mens rings, one in particular that caught my eye it was a thick and silver.

"um excuse me..can i please get this ring too?" she walked back over to me and said "of course!", she took the ring out of the glass and brought it to the till. i payed for the two items and then walked back to my car.

when i made it home i grabbed the ring i bought for james and put it in my bag so i wouldn't lose it. i then grabbed the flowers and the earrings and walked into the house.

my aunt was on the couch watching tv so i said "hello!" she stood up from the couch and saw the flowers. i handed them to her and said "happy birthday? merry christmas? happy holidays?".

she hugged me and replied "none of those but thank you" i giggled a bit and hugged her back. when she let me out of the tight embrace i handed her the earings which she loved.

we just sat back on the comfortable couch and talked.

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 ☆ trapped under ice ☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang