Mindless Self Indulgence

Start from the beginning

"What were you going to do?" Fred chuckled, watching Harper's hair fly wildly behind her.

"Actually nothing, just enjoy making her run," George snorted with a shrug. "Want to go to the kitchens?"


"You know, I've been thinking," Harper quirked an eyebrow as Angelina finished her bowl of ice cream. Gently clinking the bowl against their small table in the kitchens.

"What's legilimency feel like?" Angelina asked.

"To perform or have it done to you?" Harper asked slowly, the hairs on her neck sticking up.

"Both," Angelina shrugged.

Harper scowled at her friend for several long minutes, Angelina refused to meet her gaze, she began to slowly push her spoon around the bowl in front of her.

"Angelina Johnson. Whatever it is you're plotting...stop," Harper scowled.

"I think we should use it. On me. As an outside perspective." Angelina paused for a moment, "like the point is to look at a memory right? You'll be able to...you'll be able to see the environment in a third person view....right?"

Gossiping sneak, voices echoed through her head.

"Ange. There's a reason natural legilimens are viewed as cautionary people, there's a reason it was a technique used during the first war. It's a grey area that scares people. Most people who can do this technique are way into the Dark Arts-"

"You won't hurt me," Angelina smiled at her.

"Ange....no. This is insane. I can't. It's asinine! It's-its...." She stopped talking as she floundered for words.

"Does Snape actually let you see memories when you've been in your lessons with him?"

"Yeah, they're mostly him just glaring at his students," Harper rubbed her neck.

"Has he ever seemed like it hurts?"

"Angelina. I will not do this to you! I told you before, I would never use this to look inside someone's memories like that. I'm trying to get a handle on things so I'm not a monster anymore."

"Don't you want to tell George about this? About how you feel? How-"

Harper began to tremble slightly, voices of the past started to emerge in the back of her mind.

"I'm begging you...this isn't a path we should take," Harper spoke with a shaky voice, she felt as if all the oxygen had been swept from the room.

"I think it's an avenue we should venture down, we're stuck unless something happens. Why not just see what we can find?" Angelina spoke calmly, reaching out a hand. "You won't hurt me, I know you won't."

Harper drew a shaky breath, her ears ringing and her vision swirling slightly as the panic attack continued to chew through her.

You little brat, thinking you can go through our thoughts and spill all our secrets so easily.

"No, Angelina. No."

"Harper, I want to help and I'm begging you. If you can study yourself outside of yourself then-"

"Then I could use my own memories..."

"Wouldn't an outside perspective be better?" Angelina tilted her hand to the side.

Harper studied her friend, her mouth dry as she tried to wet her lips. Angelina was correct, they were stuck at the beginning still. This might be a viable solution.

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