Chapter 72 - Down Goes The Pap

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I quickly grabbed it knowing Addison had a hard time sleeping. I looked at it and it was Amelie.

Bryce - hey

Amelie - mornin im sorry for the early call but im taking the kids to school but wont be able to pick up

Bryce - okay ill pick them up and bring them here

Amelie - okay..hows she?

Bryce - she didnt sleep all night was in pain.

Amelie - oh okay. Ill stop by later

Bryce - okayy thanks alot Ame

Amelie - anytime

I hanged up and Addison was still sleep. I kissed her hair. I stayed on my phone until she woke.

I woke up to music playing by my ears it didn't wake me. I woke up from Bryce keep kissing my head. I moved how he massaged my head.

Addison - that feels good

Bryce - (smile) morning mama

Addison - morning Bry

Bryce - how you feel

Addison - better than yesterday

Bryce - good. So today I'm picking up the kids today. So Tayler will come over while I'm gone. Because eveyone has work or something

Addison - okay.

We were talking when there was a knock. Bryce said come in and my parents and brothers came in with a bag and Dr. Lee.

Sheri - morning

Bryce/Addison - morning

Monty - Blake gave us these in the parking lot. He said he'll stop by later he's late to a meeting

Bryce - thank you (gets up)

Enzo - how do you feel Adds

Addison - better than yesterday

Monty - where the kids?

Bryce - they said with Amelie and Blake so they're to school right now

They stayed for a while. After they left Lee started talking.

Dr. Lee - okay so today we'd like you to start walking Addison. It'll help alot. Then around 6 you can have a shower we just want to make sure everything is good first.

Bryce - so we can see the kids?

Dr. Lee - yes ill let the nurse know yall will stop by.

Addison - when can I leave

Dr. Lee - well after a C-section I love to keep my patience in for 4 days to a week. So you can leave in two days. Just want to make sure everything is good

Addison - okay.

Dr. Lee - (hands Bryce pills) after yall eat. Give her two for pain

Bryce - okay thank you doc.

Lee left and I heard the loudest sigh ever.

Addison - I am always in an hospital bed

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