Chapter 66 - NOOO

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Today I'm taking Asher shopping and getting him some things for his room here and some things for his mother house. Addison also has an appointment and I want to go but I have my kid. Amelie came and took the kids to school earlier. Asher should be here any minute. Addison is getting ready to go to her appointment when Amelie reach back. I think she's upset with me because I'm not going but she has to understand I want to get to know Asher.

I'm in the bathroom getting dressed while Bryce is downstairs waiting on his child. It's around 10:30 and my appointment is 11. Amelie texted me she's on her way. So I went downstairs in

While I was downstairs Bryce was in

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While I was downstairs Bryce was in

He looked good but I'm kinda upset with him already

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He looked good but I'm kinda upset with him already. I'm not upset about him with Asher I'm upset that he forgot we had an appointment.

Bryce - hey mama *kiss her* I know your upset and I'm sorry
Addison - okay.
Bryce - *sigh* lemme make up for it. What can I do
Addison - nothing Bryce. I'm taking the kids for ice cream after school
Bryce - okay. Then me and Asher could meet with y'all
Addison - no I just want to break down some things that's gonna happen I don't think Asher needs to be there.
Bryce - are you like jealous of Asher or something?
Addison - jealous? *Eyebrow raised* he's a kid Bryce that you've know about for 3 days I'm not jealous
Bryce - your attitude says different
Addison - you know what let me just not break the things down to the kids and see how far that gets you okay
Bryce - whatever

I grabbed my phone as the front door open. In came Amelie, Asher and his mom. I turned from Bryce and was about to walk off.

Bryce - mama I'm sorry
Addison - I don't think you know the real meaning of sorry bryce.
Amelie - are we interrupting?
Addison - no. Good morning Asher and Sophia
S/A - morning
Addison - I'll talk to you later *turns to Bryce*
Bryce - okay.

I left with Amelie and we got in the car

I sighed and then turned to Sophia and Asher.

Bryce - I'm I dropping him off?
Sophia - no I'll pick him up
Bryce - we're having a dinner tonight so I can introduce him to his siblings and our close friends so it'll run into 10 and then the game tomorrow
Sophia - okay so I'll pick him up around 11?
Bryce - I can just drop him off Sophia it's really no problem at all
Sophia - no I'll come for him. Bye baby *kiss his head*
Asher - bye mommy.
Sophia - text me if anything happens please Bryce
Bryce - yeah. Later

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