Chapter 30 - Out the hospital

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It's been two days in the hospital bryce can finally go home today. It's Tuesday which means Armani is going to school the kids have been here and see him. They are so careful with him and he loves having them here but I know he's ready to go home. Where he can walk around in just his shorts and slippers. I'm also done with the hospital. I need to get Bryce car fixed, his medication and get him a new phone. Tayler got out the next day after the accident. I'm in Bryce hospital bed with him. I woke up and started pack our things because the doctor told me last night we could leave today. Amelie has had the kids at night when I'm here with Bryce. The doctor came in and said I could sign him out so I got the paper and sign some things and then woke him up. He looked at me

Addison - good morning
Bryce - morning
Addison - wanna go home
Bryce - yes finally
Addison - I've signed you out so legs go

He can walk but the stitches in his thigh hurts and the burns he said. His arm his inna cast.

Addisonraee story

Finally back to the house

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Finally back to the house

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I grabbed our things and walked with them.

Bryce - hell nah *takes the bags* I still have a good hand my wife not about to be carry my shidd

I laughed at him as I walked out the hospital with him. We stopped at the Pharmacy to get his medication. We got it and then I stopped at Apple. We got him a phone.

Addison - want breakfast?
Bryce - can I ate something normal?
Addison - yes
Bryce - then yes

We stopped at Wendy's and get him breakfast. We then drove to Amelie and Blakes house. We got there to see Tayler on the couch sleep. I laughed.

Amelie - morning
Addison - why's he on the couch
Amelie - he took pills because he said the burns were hurting
Addison - oh where's my baby
Amelie - they're in Andrew play room.
Addison - okay.
Bryce - I need shorts the pants is rubbing up against the stitches mama
Addison - okay

We went up to our room what we had here and showered and changed. He had to do so much to shower. He had to put this water proof bandage over his stitches a bag over his hand. It hurt when the water touch his rib side. He showered and then me. We were wearing

 We were wearing

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