Chapter 1 - Update

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It's been a crazy year. Aeko is almost two he's literally my sweet Mama's boy I always wanted. He'll see me sad and sit in my lap and kiss me. When he wants attention he'll say momma but if I don't answer he calls me Addison. He's literally such a character. My baby girl has started school. She goes to the same school as Stormi and all the other famous kids. I didn't evening know they had a school for them until Kylie told me. My princess is four meaning shed a toddler well a she's passed that but still. She's in kindergarten and they learn about mostly colors and alphabet and numbers. Amelie and I are still besties I mean why wouldn't we be. Tayler is still single and looking. Him and Tori ended on good terms but they don't really communicate much. Bryce and I are amazing. After the wedding we had a sit down conversation and we talked about how we needed more communication, trust just overall respect for each other. He's still the love of my life and Im his. Lisa and my parents moved out here like 3 months ago. I gave them the house and Bryce was gonna buy Lisa another house down here but she didn't want it. So she's staying where she would on vacations. Bryce and his dad have gotten close also Tayler. They play golf every Saturday or watch the games at the house. We got another dog name legend. He's a Husky. Apollo is literally our guard dog well thats how he asks. Eveyone is getting so big. It's gonna make me emotional

Armani and Legend

Armani and Legend

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BryceFuck where do I start

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Fuck where do I start. My life is amazing. Never knew someone could change so much for a woman but that's me. I'm so in love with this woman when a girl looks at me I straight up say "married" not gonna lie it feels good to say that. It also feels good to know I have a woman who will never need me and puts me in my place. My princess has started school and she loves it she comes home and talk about it all the time. Addison is back in modeling and acting. I'm focusing on my boxing classes with the guys. I'm getting old I'm a fuckin millionaire dad who plays golf ever week. My prince or little man. He's a momma's boy. He loves Addison so much that if Addison and talk to loud he says "shh daddy momma talking* or me and adds could be cuddling and he pulls her hand and she gets up and leaves with him. I don't really get upset about it but sometimes I want momma as well. But when he does that my princess comes and hug me. Blake and Noah still my boys. Tayler still family. Griffin and Kio my bros. My dad, Monty Blake and me the Saturdays gang Tayler joins sometimes. I'm just waiting to see how much better my life can get. Oh I also model with Addison sometimes. Anyways that's my life ATM

 Anyways that's my life ATM

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Recap of their house

Hall Family (ON GOING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang