Chapter 7 - Couples interview

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Woke up in bed naked with my baby. Yesterday was well needed for both of us. We have a interview at 10 it's 7 so I got up and put on my pants and cleaned around the room. I then woke Addison up because we needed to leave.

Bryce - mama. *Kiss her*
Addison - mm
Bryce - we need to get home and get dressed for our interview
Addison - it's at 11 bryce we have time
Bryce - 11? I thought 10
Addison - no
Bryce - still you can rest when we get home
Addison - ughh

I got up and put my clothes I brought here on. We made sure everything was good and left the keys on the counter like the owner told me to. We got in the car bryce was driving because I was tired. We're stopping for the Aeko first. We drove to Dixie and Noah house. We know Aeko gets up at this time and they're probably having a hard time. We were almost there when I got a call from Dixie. See told ya

Dixie - morning
Addison - morning
Dixie - your son is crying I don't know what to do
Addison - we're literally around the corner.
Dixie - okay

I hanged up and Bryce laughed

Bryce - at least Mani wasn't this bad *chuckles*
Addison - leave my baby alone. He just misses his momma
Bryce - I missed his momma to *winks* how are you not sore
Addison - I am but not that bad because we took breaks in between.
Bryce - mm. I love my master piece on your neck

I looked in the mirror and saw two hickeys on my neck.

Addison - really
Bryce - *parks* yep

We got out the car and walked into the house because Dixie said so. Once we walked in we heard Aeko. Addison hurried to where she was hearing the sound and walked in. I walked in behind her and once she talked he looked at her. Dixie put him down and he ran into her hand. And hugged her. He stopped crying and put his head on her shoulder. I walked over to Noah dabbing him up and hugged dixie.

Dixie - he was so nice until he woke up 10 minutes ago
Bryce - don't take it personal he doesn't evening stop crying when I have him
Noah - momma's boy.
Addison - thank you for keeping him
Dixie - anytime around the time of 11am - 6am the next day
Addison - *laughs* thanks guys we really appreciate it
Bryce - yesterday was well needed
Noah - we know by the hickeys on adds neck

Everyone laughed expect addison. We told them bye and then Addison sat in the back with Aeko so he can go back sleep. We made it home I carried our bags in along with Aeko bag. Him and Addison walked in. He was sleep she walked him up to the room and I followed them. Addison puts him in our bed and walked into the bathroom probably to show. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth as she went into the shower.

I finshed showering and then Bryce went in and I brushed my teeth. I then put on my underwear and a robe waiting for my hairstyles and makeup artist to reach. Bryce came out the shower and dried his hair and put on shorts. I was still in the bathroom looking through my makeup. When he walked up behind me and hugged me.

Bryce - go lay down mama I know your tired
Addison - my makeup artist should be here in a hour and my hairstylist in a hour and a half. Then my stylist I need
Bryce - you need to rest go lay down

I went into the room and sat down in the bed. I looked at my little man he looked so handsome sleeping. I laid down with him cuddling him. I closed my eye and I was asleep

It's been 55 minutes and the security called and said a makeup artist is at the gate. I got up and went downstairs because they were in the house. I walked up to the person

MA - good morning
Bryce - morning. Do you mine giving her 15 more minutes it's been a long night
MA - ofc
Bryce - help yourself to the pantry

Hall Family (ON GOING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें