Chapter 14: *Cardan*

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I couldn't help, but feel accomplished at the shock on Locke's face though I did feel bad when hearing Taryn's cry. As I looked over to her to check if she was okay I could see her sitting by Vivienne's side sobbing in her own sleeve.

"I am so proud of you! My two beautifully raised daughters." Madoc's voice then boomed through the dungeon, it didn't soften Taryn's cry's in the slightest, but it did get a good laugh out of Jude's Half-sister, which made a smile appear on my face.

The smile was still there when I saw Locke turn around from the spot by the wall to which he had backed up, but now that smile was there for another reason as I remembered his shock at my revelation of our past Locke's end.

As my eyes fell on Locke's face I couldn't help but notice how he returned my smile. I didn't like to admit it but it worked on my nerves just the slightest bit that I feared Locke had seen it too.

"You know?" Locke spoke as he moved forward to the bars of the cell, to him and most importantly Jude and their unborn child. "I've had a lot of fun today, I can tell you that, but I'm missing something..." I saw how Locke's eyes flickered to Judes form before going back to mine and I decided I definitely didn't like it, not even one little bit. I tried pushing Jude behind myself to hide her from Locke's view, but she barely budged and I cursed at her stubbornness at moments like these. "That something, it could make my day, maybe even my life so much better."

I didn't know what he could be talking about, but his tone and gaze was something I didn't like experiencing as there were only a few times in the past in which I had the pleasure of experiencing them. I wasn't the only one who felt this way as I could see the Roach and the Bomb move over as quietly as they could.

But it was too late as the moment I looked over to them I could hear a gasp behind me and feel Jude's body fall almost limp in my arms, feel her legs give out as she goes down.

As I turn around I am met with the sight of my Queen, my wife, cradling her baby belly as there is a skewer sticking out of it. There is so much blood. I cry out her name as I fall down on my knees beside her, cradling her like she is cradling our child. There are tears in my eyes as are there in hers as she looks at me.

I hear all kinds of commotion behind me, screams are heard and the calling of her name. But I can only focus on her, on her beautiful Brown eyes as the light that I have always known to be there leaves them.

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