Chapter 9: *Locke*

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I hadn't really been paying any attention to what was going on since we got placed inside this stink hole these people call a cell and it wasn't like I had any chance to listen to what everyone was talking about around me anyway as Taryn kept sobbing and searching for my embrace. Every time I tried to bring my attention back to the conversations happening around me Taryn would notice my senses weren't focused on her anymore and would only cling to me even further then she had moments before and it's really starting to annoy me.

So I was glad when Taryn finally decided to let go, but what I hadn't realized as rapidly as I should have was that she was frozen in her place staring at something outside of these bars keeping us locked in. And I hadn't expected to hear his voice then and there, as clear as can be. "You honestly think I'm that ignorant?"

I didn't know if I was happy to hear him or not. I mean there could be a possibility that he's here to let us out of this wretched place, but I haven't been able to overhear what has been said previously to that sentence. And that's when I heard... "You are not getting out of there." Which confirmed my suspicion, this time Cardan wasn't on our side...

It confused me for a second when I thought about that. Maybe he was just outing that statement to his brother, which wouldn't have surprised me if he did. But then again I don't think it will be a good idea if I come between the two Greenbriar's, now or any other moment in time.

But my thoughts were interrupted when I felt the woman next to me start clinging to my body again. I was now getting frustrated with all of my surroundings. I wanted to scream at Taryn to shut up for a moment, but knew I couldn't do that because her family was here and I didn't really feel safe if I act on my emotions right know while being locked up in a cell with them.

But turning around to face her and seeing that there were tears rolling down her cheeks I knew that I would have the same outcome if I didn't offer her comfort in any sort of way. And as she let herself fall into my embrace I started to try and focus on my surroundings again, right were it became interesting for me again because I see Dain walk out of his pacing corner.

"Well I suggest you get us out of here brother." And with that I was already having fun just by imagining how this who conversation would proceed. "And why is that?" I promise you could see the tension between those three brothers from miles away. "As I have gathered were in the future, right? Meaning I'm your High king. So I don't know why I'm locked in this cell, but I strongly suggest you open it so I don't have to make your head roll against treason."

I was shocked... The future... What had I missed in the time I was to distracted with Taryn? I mean it would explain a lot wouldn't it. Why he was so angry and wouldn't let us out, the last time he was as close to being as angry as he is now was when me and Nicasia...

Bloody hell...

This about a woman isn't it...

And the only woman I can think of that we did something too while being in this so called 'future' is...

Jude fucking Duarte!!

The moment I figured that out was the moment it was confirmed, because no more then a few seconds later... "Cardan!" We all turned our heads at the sound. I didn't even bother to listen to what Cardan said because a moment later Jude turned the corner and she was greeted by Cardan- "My Queen" -before taking his open and inviting hands in her own. And when he caressed the freshly made cut on her cheek I knew that I didn't need anymore proof and that Balekin was in great trouble.

Quickly I had another realization. It explained why Cardan didn't listen to his older brothers; the two who were most likely to sit upon the throne. It was because it was him sitting there with Jude apparently at his side.

Oh... how I'm hoping this is all a joke right now. I mean there is a possibility that she is just part of Cardan's harem or something and she was the first one to be with child as she is mortal and that way received more attention then the others, but deep down I knew Jude wouldn't let herself be put in a harem and Cardan loved her to much to even think of making one.

I wanted to go back to our time already, because I already feel like I know to much and I know that I would want to stay to learn all about the gossip that has been taking place. And again that thought was confirmed as I saw Cardan wrap his hand around Balekins neck out of the corner of my eye.

Deciding I was done with this I gently grabbed Taryn's hand and removed her limps from my body. She gave me a confused look, but that didn't turn any better at my returning smirk. When I stood up I saw her give me one of those warning glares like she already knew what I was going to do, but I didn't care.

Walking over to the front of the cell I gave them an applause. "Well done gentleman. Beautiful performance, but even though I love drama as you all may know it would like to go back to our 'own time' where a party is happening right now and I wouldn't like to miss it. I mean you know how much I love them don't you Cardan?" I asked him when I was finally standing in front of him.

"Yes I know." He answered me giving me a suspicious eye. "Well if you indeed know how much I love parties -like you just admitted- then I'd like to know how my future self reacted to your little wedding, I mean that most have been shocking to everyone. Because we all knew how much you despised each other, I mean you almost drowned her..."

I could immediately see the realisation on his face when I started talking again. He knew what I kind of game I was playing, what kind of words I wanted to hear him say. And we both knew that everyone had figured out what the words I said just know meant.

He chuckled at first. "You know. I have wondered that myself for quite some time now," I was getting confused now. "Oh have you now really?"

"Yes indeed I have. I mean he was killed by his own wife who was already carrying his babe which he didn't yet know about... And do you know what was the most pathetic thing of that story? He was killed by one single letter opener to his throat..."

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