Chapter 3: *Vivienne*

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I was still trying to comprehend everything that happened since the moment I fell and landed in this strange reality.

I mean first off all their was no ball as far as I could see or hear, secondly Jude was pregnant and wearing fancy clothes all of a sudden and last but not least she had attacked and defeated not only him, but the princes as well.

She had a cut to her cheek made by Balekin- always hated that guy. So seeing him there on his knees in front of my sister struggling was the funniest thing I have seen in a while.

It was supposed to be a normal boring day with a coronation, but this made it so much more fun and exciting.

"Jude what are you doing? Let us free, this isn't something you do to de people you care about." It was Locke- I could hear the glamour in his voice.

Jude turned to him. I couldn't read her emotions it was like she wasn't using them. She walked up to him. Stopping before him she just stared.

He gave her the smile I saw him give my other sister a few moments ago- disgusting. But when he did he didn't get what he wanted.

She slapped him across his face- hard. I was almost having sympathy, with the keyword almost.

You could see the red mark on his face and it definitely didn't look pleasant, but the best thing about it al was the reaction of the receiver.

"Jude!" Taryn called full of disbelief. But Jude just ignored her and kept staring Locke down, like she didn't give a shit about what he could do to her.

"You ungrateful girl, what do you think your doing? Shackling up me- you father and the princes, your in big trouble!" Madoc was raising his voice at her more and more by the second, I was surprised Jude wasn't scared out of her shit right now.

She finally changed her view and attention from Locke to our father looking him up and down with a look of utter disgust.

She didn't even care about walking over to him she just looked and went back to ignoring all of us. She was discussing something with a small fea who had a lot and I mean a lot of hair on her head that was as white as the pearls Nicasia always wore, it was fascinating.

She noticed me looking and give me a stare as in to ask me 'what you looking at?' I immediately looked away not wanting to start something with her.

The only thing I could make out of their conversation were the words cell and Cardan, with the last one I instantly looked up.

What had Cardan to do with this, honestly that she still even talked about him. She was pregnant and thinking about him would only give her stress which isn't good for the baby.

I mean I wasn't as stupid as our father would sometimes think I was, but that is besides the point.

And then I realized, thinking about how Cardan would affect my sister made me forget about the part where the word cell was mentioned in the conversation between my sister and that cute little devil.

Looking up I heard Jude give the guards holding us orders and let me tell you when the guys in our group heard them they were enraged, just thinking about the fact that I have never seen my father so mad in my entire time of knowing him.

Let's just say I was freaking out and it definitely didn't help that my other sister was historically crying next to me. "Taryn I love you, but shut up," I finally told her as we were hauled of the ground by the guards who still had a good grip on us, all of the men had two guards holding them I scoffed at the realization.

"What's wrong sister?" Jude asked me in that scary sweet voice of her. "Just wondering why I have only one guard," I told her bluntly.

"I don't see the reason for giving you two, unless you are planning to escape," she looked at me daring me to move. "Are you planning to escape, sister?" I shook my head no instantly not wanting to find out what would happen if I didn't.

At this moment I noticed the difference between my sisters. They may be twins, but that meant nothing with these two. Taryn was the sensitive one always has been.

Jude was also sensitive, but in her own way. She may not show it that much, but she had these moments that you needed to cherish. And knowing she is pregnant in this reality means she must love someone enough to give them the privilege to be so close to her.

And Just seeing how she protected her womb from harm or how she cradles it when she's just standing talking to someone, it was heart warming.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone throwing me in a cold cell. Looking up I saw I wasn't the only one, all of my co-reality jumpers as I now decided to call them were also thrown together with me in a cell- great.

How was I going to survive this. A crying Taryn in the corner with Locke trying to comfort her, my angry father demanding every guard to let him out together with prince Balekin and a quit probably not relaxed crown prince in another corner.

At this point dying was probably better option then this if I think about it.

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