Chapter 8: *Madoc*

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From all the weird things I had experienced in my long lasting life this might be the craziest one yet. I had been on high alert ever since the moment I had started falling and landing in a different place as the one I had come from also didn't help.

Not only did I then have to protect myself from all the possible dangers I would be finding, I also had to protect royalty -which I couldn't fail at, not that I had ever failed them in the slightest, but then I had my family and here were two of my daughters of which at least one was depending on my sword and it's protection.

Not that I would deny her that, but for me this was also the perfect moment to analyse if Locke was the best option for Taryn, if he could and would protect her and how. He had failed almost immediately when she had ran away and if it wasn't for me the sword that was aimed at my neck would have been aimed at hers.

It was good that Locke had taken it upon himself to be the one to comfort her since she has been in distress ever since we saw Jude, which I completely understand as I was still trying to figure that out myself.

And the think that had been coming back to the front of my mind the most, in these past I don't know how many minutes since we have been put in this cell and me and prince Balekin have been demanding to be released, is the fact that Jude is pregnant.

I know that everyone around me has been talking about the future and the time traveling we did to get here, but I just couldn't get the fact that Jude was pregnant in some future make sense to me. Especially from a fea, which I'm assuming as she still resides in Elfhame.

Not only am I assuming that, but there is also another thing I have questions about. We all now Jude doesn't like being vulnerable and almost never is -a thing of which I thought her well- but in my eyes letting someone be as close to your body that you get impregnated is one of the must vulnerable positions you could be in and the way she was carrying the babe with so much pride and protected it with all she had must mean that she really cared about it's father.

And he must be someone who is powerful enough to protect them both from the land of the fea, but not so powerful that he could take full control over her as she didn't like being controlled, but rather more being in control.

The part about the babes father must be true as she was able to lock them up in the cells of the palace a place that he almost knew like the back of his hand. And the fact that the princes had gotten locked up as easily as they were as well couldn't mean anything good for them and he felt disgusted saying it, but he was almost scared of what Jude could do to them, she had beaten him in a sword fight for fucks sake one in which she had been carrying another creation inside of her.

And it seemed like all my questions would soon be answered as the youngest royal decided to show his face. Balekin had seemed to notice as well and it didn't take long for their interaction to turn into a what almost seemed like a lovers quarrel to me.

I had decided early on in there heated conversation that I didn't want to listen to it as this on top of all the things happening today was giving me a headache. That didn't mean I would hear nothing as I had thought myself how to tune out everything except those certain things that I knew would be useful for me. Not that I used that ability often, but it did end up being useful in situations like the one I was in now.

That's how I only ended up hearing that we probably wouldn't be getting out of here and how I assume Balekin isn't our High king, which must have meant our plan failed. Not only that, but I was also able to respond to the insulted directed at one of my daughters even though I had to agree that the crying had become rather annoying.

There was one thing that peaked my interest enough for my full attention though. And that was the sound of my youngest daughters voice as she had screamed the name of the prince with the least likeness of becoming our ruler, which I didn't know if I should believe as it had seemed like Balekins plan to become High King wasn't really successful and with the way Cardan had talked about Balekin earlier made it seem like he was six feet under.

But I wasn't worried about that right know as all my attention seemed to go to Jude and the way she had almost waddled herself in Cardan's embrace like it was second nature to her, same went for his response as he grabbed her hand and the other immediately went to her cheek with so much care that Madoc almost deemed his suspicion to be true.

Madoc knew only one simple thing had to happen for all of those irritating thoughts to either disappear or merge all together and he wanted that moment to come as much as he was scared for it and he mentally scolded himself for it, but it was already to late.

"I did and you just touched my wife with the tip of your sword..." With just that simple sentence his suspicious had become reality.

His daughter was married to and was carrying the child of the fea that until a few seconds ago he only knew as her what he assumed arch nemesis. But no, she had given herself to him and had grabbed more power with that then he had ever had in his life. His daughter had officially beaten him at everything he never thought she would have been able to.

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