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Overly excited to speak with Chat Blanc, Adrien didn't even get the chance to place Nino's gift on the table.

"Marinette," he breathed. "It's Marinette. She's Ladybug."

Chat Blanc smiled. "She's amazing, isn't she?"

"She is. Absolutely amazing."

"Now you two can be together forever."

"I can't wait. She's everything that I've ever dreamed of."

Chat Blanc put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm really happy for you. Now, where is she?"

"She should be running by any second." Adrien glanced around, but there was no sign of Marinette anywhere. "Any second," he repeated.

But instead, a loud voice sounded. "Let's play a game. I always win!"

"Come on," Chat Blanc said, gesturing over to the couch.

"I uh, I just have to find Marinette first."

An incredulous look. "You can't find her?"

Adrien shook his head. "No. She's usually here by now. But I'll go get her, and we'll meet you there." And he turned and went down to the end of the hall.

No Marinette.

Feeling uneasy, Adrien pressed his ear to one of the doors. There was no noise coming from inside. Then he checked the next one, hearing a muffled laugh. Without even knocking, he barged right into the room and pulled the guy kissing Marinette off of her.

"What's the issue?" Felix asked once his lips were free to talk. "Are you jealous or something?"

"Of course I'm jealous," he replied, glancing at Marinette. "I'm in love with her!"

Felix smirked as he put his arm around her shoulders. "How about we make a deal? You can have Marinette, and I'll have Ladybug. Sound good?"

"N... no. You can't have Ladybug."

"Well, you think you can have Marinette and Ladybug? I'm afraid it doesn't work that way."

"Stop it," Adrien said, getting angry. "You're not good enough for her."

Felix laughed out loud. "Well don't get upset. You don't want to destroy Paris again, do you?"

And he froze before looking down at his white gloves.

Instead of being afraid like last time, Marinette reached out toward him. "It's okay, Kitty. I'm right here to help you."

"I..." He couldn't continue speaking, because a white burst of energy started forming in his hand. Looking back at her, they locked eyes for a moment.

Then everything went black.


Breakfast time.

After getting ready for school, Adrien went down to the dining room and was surprised to find Gabriel sitting at the table. So surprised, in fact, that he stopped walking when he noticed.

The man peered over his glasses at him. "Is there a problem?"

He vehemently shook his head. "I just forgot my school bag. I'll be right back." And he hurried out of the room.

Gabriel sighed and returned his attention to the newspaper in front of him. He glanced up again when a blond haired boy with a bag entered the room a minute later and sat down. Then back to the newspaper.

The boy looked at the meal placed down in front of him and grimaced. He reluctantly picked up his fork and started eating.

There was complete silence for a minute as they ate before Gabriel spoke again. "I've been thinking," he murmured. "It's been a while since we've had Aunt Amelie and Felix come for a visit."

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