102) Hagrid Got Hit On, Too

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Educational Decree Number 25. The High Inquisitor had the power to override other teachers' punishments.

Harry and George were just going to get a weeks detention. Umbridge decided that they (with the addition of Fred) would be banned from Quidditch.

Angelina wasn't pleased, but she wasn't angry with Harry or the twins at the moment. I couldn't tell if it was from shock or because she agreed that Draco deserved it.

Fred and George were sulking, shooting me guilty glances. I ignored them. They'd have to apologize to Draco (out of public view), not me. I think they understood that, because they skulked up to their dorm. Angelina and the others followed not long after.

Then Ron showed up. He'd wandered off after the match, and hadn't made an appearance to anyone. He was still in his Quidditch robes, which were covered in snow. He was pale and shivering.

Hermione made him sit in front of the fireplace, where he moped and self-doubted. Harry did the same, and together they had a little two-person pity party. Just as fun as a regular party except the cake has been replaced with sadness.

"I can think of one thing that may cheer you both up," Hermione said from her spot by the window, practically vibrating.

"Oh yeah?" Harry had slumped as deep into his chair as it would allow him.

"Yeah," Hermione turned from the window, smiling broadly. "Hagrid's back."

It didn't even take a second for both Harry and Ron to stand and start sprinting for the dorms. Hermione looked at where they had been sitting, looked at me, and said, "I'll grab you a coat."

"Thanks," I smiled, and she disappeared with a lot less sprinting. I waited for a few moments, and then Harry and Ron were running down the stairs, Invisibility Cloak held between them. Ron had changed and Harry's cloak was fastened incorrectly. I decided not to point it out.

After about five minutes, Hermione ran down the stairs of the girls' dorm, tossing me a coat, knitted hat, scarf, and gloves. It was much appreciated, as I was already cold just thinking about going outside. I quickly pulled everything on, and we hopped under the cloak, stepping into the hallway. Ron had to crouch to not have our feet show since he'd grown so much.

Harry kept checking the Marauders Map to see if anyone was around. Thankfully, there wasn't, and we only had to skirt around Nearly Headless Nick, who was humming something that sounded sickeningly like Weasley is our King.

We couldn't help but march faster once we saw the golden squares of Hagrid's cabin, and we knocked excitedly on the door as soon as we got there. Immediately there was frantic barking.

"Hagrid, it's us!" Harry yelled unnecessarily though the keyhole.

"Shoulda known!" A gruff voice called back. "Bin home three seconds.... Out the way, Fang... out the way, yeh dozy dog..."

The bolt clacked, the door open, and Hagrid's beaming face filled out view.

Hermione screamed.

"Merlin's beard, keep it down!" Hagrid rushed, staring blankly over our heads. "Under that Cloak, are yeh? Well, get in, get in!"

"I'm sorry!" Hermione breathed as we all squeezed in and pulled the Cloak off. "I just — oh, Hagrid."

"It's nuthin', it's nuthin'!" Hagrid said, shutting the door behind us. He pulled the curtains closed.

"It doesn't look like nothing," I said quietly.

Hagrid's hair was matted with congealed blood, his left eye was swollen and puffy, covered in a mass of purple-blue bruises. His face and hands were cut up, still bleeding in some places, and the way he moved made me think he had a broken rib.

"Do you want some ambrosia?" I asked.

"No, no, I know you lot are savin' it fer this summer," Hagrid waved me off, moving over to the fire.

"What happened to you?" Harry demanded, pushing Fang away from his face.

"Told yeh, nuthin'," Hagrid shook his head. "Want a cuppa?"

"Come off it!" Ron crossed his arms. "You're in a right state!"

"I'm tellin' yeh, I'm fine," Hagrid turned to beam at us, only wincing at the pain for a moment. "Blimey, it's good ter see you four again — had a good summer, did yeh?"

"Hagrid, you've been attacked," Ron ignored the change of subject.

"Fer the las' time, it's nuthin'!" Hagrid said with no room for argument.

"Would you say it was nothing if one of us turned up with a pound of mince instead of a face?" Ron argued anyway.

"You ought to go and see Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid," Hermione said, concerned. "Some of those cuts look nasty."

"I'm dealin' with it, all righ'?" Hagrid walked to his table, and unwrapped a towel that had been lying on it, revealing a large slab of raw, bloody, slightly green meat.

"Please tell me you're not eating that," I stared at it with wide eyes. "That'll like... give you asbestos."

"It's dragon meat," Hagrid explained as if it made it any less gross. "An' I didn' get it ter eat." He picked it up and promptly slapped it against his swollen eye. Green blood trickled down the side of his face and burrowed into his beard as he sighed with relief. "Tha's better. It helps with the stingin', yeh know."

"So are you going to tell us what's happened to you?" Harry asked.

"Can', Harry. Top secret. More'n me job's worth ter tell yeh that."

I wasn't impressed, "The giants beat you up, didn't they?"

"Giants?" Hagrid jolted, nearly dropping his steak. "Who said anythin' abou' giants? Who yeh bin talkin' to? Who's told yeh what I've — who's said I've bin — eh?"

"We guessed," Hermione said apologetically.

"Oh, yeh did, did yeh?" Hagrid stared at her sternly.

"It was kind of... obvious," I said, shrugging. Harry and Ron nodded in agreement.

Hagrid sighed and tried to glare at us.

There will likely be no post on Thursday because I will be visiting the arch — watch the news, guys, I'm going to jump out if it because a chihuahua attacked me. I'll let you know if I think Percy jumping into the river was plausible or if the arch is too far from it. Tomorrow will be the zoo. Am excited for that. Not excited for the drive, but I've got a book, and a phone, so we're all good. Top Gun Maverick was good. A lot of laughs in the theater. The lady beside me didn't put her phone on silent. It rang, and she answered it, and talked for a bit too long considering she was saying "not now, talk later". A text would have sufficed. Then, it rang again, and she answered again???? Ma'am, you are not cool at all. I watched the first Top Gun in preparation, it was good, made me sad ): a good sad. I like it when movies affect me emotionally.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a terrific Tuesday, and I'll see you on soon CT. Love ya!

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