101) Draco Gets Hit On By Two Sports Guys - Lucky

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"Oh gods," I groaned, putting my head in my hands as I saw that Draco was talking to Harry. I figure that the talking was really more of taunting thing.

Harry, very maturely, turned away from Draco and joined the rest of the Quidditch team (save for Ron, who had left for the changing rooms alone). Of course, Draco had to keep going. I could faintly hear the sounds of him calling to Harry over the now glummer sound of the Slytherins singing.

I guess he was insulting the Weasleys, because Fred and George stiffened, turning to look at Draco.

"Oh gods," I found myself standing, running towards the pitch, knowing this wasn't going to end well. I got there just in time to see Harry and George sprinting at Draco. Alicia, Angelina, and Katie Bell were holding Fred back.

I wasn't particularly surprised that Harry did this. I'd thought it only a matter of time until he punched Draco. What really got me was Fred and George. They knew better. I didn't know if they'd read Draco's file, but I suspected they did, and they're not stupid. They would've figured it out. They would've tortured it out of Ron.

They knew better.

Draco, after the first few hits, had figured out the best way to go about the situation. With his hands in his pockets, dodging both of their blows.

That only seemed to make them angrier.

"What in Hades are you doing?" I shouted, and I guess it was in Greek, because only Fred and George reacted. I shook my head and made sure it was in English. "You idiots! Stop!"

George and Harry were to into it to listen to me, but Fred stopped struggling against his teammates. They didn't seem eager to let him free.

"What happened?" I asked Fred, who was staring at Draco with wide eyes.

"He insulted our mother," Fred said in Greek, shocking his teammates. "And Harry's parents. And a lot of stuff. I forgot he.... I forgot."

"I can see that," I said sourly. "Would you go pull them away from Draco? I'll get in trouble for touching Wizards with my dirty half-breed hands or something. Umbridge is watching."

Fred nodded and tried to pull away, but his teammates wouldn't let him go, probably still afraid he'd attack. I motioned for them to let him go.

Angelina shook her head, "He's just going to attack him."

"He won't," I said.

"How do you know? The little brat deserves it.... I'd be fighting if he'd said that about my family."

"Please, Angelina," I said. "Either he goes to pull them back or you do."

"I think Hooch has got it covered," Angelina said lowly.

I turned and saw Hooch holding her wand up, clenching her whistle in her fist, "IMPEDIMENTA!" Harry and George were knocked down, Draco finally taking a moment to stop dodging. Hooch was fuming. "What do you think you're doing?" She was standing between George, Harry, and Draco. Draco's nose was bleeding. So was Harry's knuckles. I guess he'd gotten in more hits than I'd noticed. George's we're bruised. Otherwise, they were unharmed. "I've never seen behavior like it — back up to the castle, both of you, and straight to your Head of House's office! Go! Now!"

Harry and George turned and walked away, their fists clenched.

They finally let go of Fred, who made to walk over to Draco, probably to apologize, but I stopped him and said in Greek, "He was being terrible on the pitch today because one of his housemates said something about him going soft for Gryffindors. You walking up there and being nice and all that will just make him do it again."

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