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QOTD: You're stronger than you think.


I lean heavily against my door, kissing Marcus deeply, hands tangling in his hair as he grabs my waist tightly, kissing me ferociously. We broke apart for air, flushed and lips swollen.

Three days. I got Marcus all to myself for THREE whole days. He stayed the entire weekend and was now bidding me a very sexy goodbye right now. I smiled loopily and pushed him out of the apartment playfully. "You need to get home, mister."

He gave me a sexy grin that had my heart stopping for a moment. His bag was slung carelessly over his shoulders as he shot me a flirty wink and headed for the elevator. I laughed a little and closed the door.

These three days had been heaven. No talk of work or Annabeth. Just us in our little paradise. I smile closing the door. My phone pings, snapping me out of my thoughts. I open them on seeing that they're from my mom and Cassie.

MOM: Your dad is so excited to start off on this trip! I'm a little bit sad that work kept you from seeing us before we left, but we're so proud of you and love you baby! See you in five weeks!! ❤️

Guilt rips through me as I recall making up that lie as I spoke to my mom and canceled our plans to meet because I was so wrapped up in my lover. I'll make it up to her as soon as she comes back. I sigh and open the second message.

CASSIE: Girl! You've been MIA for THREE DAYS?!?!? I'm marching over to your home if you don't respond now!

CASSIE: Are you safe?

CASSIE: Fuck it! I'm coming over!

The last message was twenty minutes ago. She should probably get here any minute now. I exhale loudly and go to change into something comfy because I had a feeling we would have a discussion about my life choices.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my cheeks were flushed, my lips swollen, a happy glint in my eyes. I looked like I was a porn star, in my silk robe that fell to my thighs. I bit my lip, no wonder Marcus and I were at it like rabbits. I giggle and slip into a peach hoodie and put on some sweatpants and order her favourite pizza, hoping it'll delay the discussion.

As if on a schedule, I hear a knock on the door. I rush to open the door, to see a red faced Cassandra giving me the death glare. If it was a different situation I'd have laughed hard, she looked hilarious in a hello kitty pajama set, fuming at me.

I quietly open the door wider so she can step in when the pizza man comes with our heavenly smelling pizza. I quickly pay him and place it on the table and bring two plates from the kitchen. Cassie used this time to settle herself on the couch and I could see her stare into nothing. Quiet Cassie was never a good sign, Cassie loved to chat, tell me everything about everyone and catch me up to speed on everything relevant.

We began eating in silence, none of us making a move to make any conversation, me feeling too scared of Quiet Cassie and Cassie because she was mad at me. I see Cassie finish eating her slice of pizza, she dabs her mouth gracefully, takes a sip of her water and waits for me to finish eating.

I quickly finish eating and wipe my hands with a tissue and turn to face her.

"Three days. You weren't in touch with me or anyone else for three freaking days. What were you even up to?" She asks angrily.

Quiet Cassie was the scariest, but angry Cassie was a close second. I exhale loudly and my eyes dart around the room. I briefly think about lying to her but think better of it and decide to tell her in one go.

"I was with Marcus." I look down and brace myself for her reaction.

"Oh. I didn't know that. Since when was this happening?" She breathes.

"Almost the same time as you and Andy." She flinches at the mention of Andy. Her engagement ring glimmers under the dim light of the living room. I wince inwardly as I catch sight of the ring. I was supposed to go to brunch to celebrate her engagement with her family.

She purses her lips as she stares at a spot on her floor.

"Cassie say something." I touch her arm and she finally makes eye contact with me. Her eyes are filled with tears, she blinks them away rapidly and holds my hand in hers.

"I'm so fucking mad at you Romy. You know that this is a bad decision. You went ahead with it anyway. You blew off my engagement brunch and meeting your parents because of him! That MARRIED man who as we are speaking is probably with his wife, sitting next to her like he didn't spend the last three days screwing around with you!" I wince and tears gather in my eyes at her brutal revelations.

"He loves me." I mumble quietly, while wiping off my tears. She looks at me, fire in her eyes never dimming. I exhale forcefully and start again, louder. " He loves me and I love him. We want to be with each other. While I still feel bad about the way we started seeing each other, I don't feel ashamed of the fact that we're in love. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped yelling at me now." I fold my arms across my chest and Cassie's eyes follow that movement. Her nose had turned red and was twitching every two seconds like she wanted to cry.

I bit my lip, I didn't want to make my best friend cry, I loved her to pieces. I wanted to apologize about skipping her engagement brunch, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. She stared at me for two seconds, opened her mouth like she was gonna say something but suddenly shook her head, she grabbed her phone and keys and left. The only indication to that being the harsh door slam that I heard a moment later. I wince as more tears stream down my cheeks.

I sniffle and wipe my nose with the end of my hoodie. I look at my apartment and take in the mess, rug shifted, sofa untidy and the coffee table too near to the sofa. I exhale and begin to clean up one by one. I start with the uneaten pizza. I take one look at it and my argument with Cassie comes rushing into my head. I choke on a sob and throw it in the bin and move around cleaning the rest of the house, changing sheets, doing laundry, washing the dishes and crying.

I call my mother, hoping that she'll have stable cell service, but it directly goes to voicemail. That was my breaking point, I had never truly felt this alone in my twenty-five years of life. I continue to sob and turn on the shower and turn the dials up to the highest heat and stand under the scalding hot shower. By the time I'm finally finished, I look like a tomato, my skin from scrubbing and the hot water. I look at my under eye bags and sigh. One more thing to worry about. I change into my oldest, rattiest pajamas, and climb into bed. I unlock my phone and call Marcus, talking to him for a while might set me at ease for a bit.

But all I got was his stupid voicemail. My frustration hit a new level as I felt the familiar sting of tears behind my eyes. I blinked them away quickly and set my phone aside. I lay in bed, hugging a pillow as my mind ruthlessly replayed my fight with Cassie. I whimper and bury my face under the covers. I felt so lonely. I hoped tomorrow would be quick to arrive because I couldn't stand the darkness of the night, the empty space in my bed and the prison that was my mind.


I missed you guys so very much. It makes my day when I see your votes and comments.

I know this update was SO LONG DUE. But thank you for being patient and loving and supportive. We're at 24.5k reads and my heart is so FULL.😭😭😭

 Thanks to each and everyone of my little potatoes who played a part in making my dream come true. 🥔💗

Until next time my loves!


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