Love Like You - Jasper (SU)

908 29 4

Anime/Game/Show; Steven Universe

TW; None

Good Ending

(3rd Person POV)

"Aye! Don't you dare move a muscle!"


(Y/n) simply rolled her eyes and turned back to the stove. It didn't take her long to notice how quiet it was.


"How can you even see me?! Your back is turned human!" Jasper shouted in frustration but didn't fight (Y/n) and flopped back into the bed--which was positioned parallel to the kitchen.

"It's a special skill of mine. Now sit tight and wait for lunch to be ready."

Jasper grumbled under her breath and decided to watch the moving pictures in the box nearby--or the TV, as (Y/n) told her.

(Y/n) had 'encountered' Jasper on one of her walks along the beach. She'd found the gem lying half-covered in the sand and thought it was absolutely stunning--even if it had a crack in it.

She never expected for the gem to turn into a 5'3 woman though.

At first, Jasper tried to attack (Y/n), but was met with disappointment at her weak physical abilities.

She could barely stand upright for 30 seconds without wobbling back and forth.

(Y/n) had taken it upon herself to care for Jasper and learn more about the--attractive--woman and where she'd came from.

The gems. Anyone who lived in Beach City knew of them and their residence under the cliff near the ocean.

There was Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven.

Jasper had explained that she'd fought the group and lost. When she tried to make her escape, she ended up cracking her gem in the process and falling into the water.

"Soups done!" (Y/n) notified, turning off the stove and moving the pot onto the other burner.

"It better be chicken noodle this time. I'm sure you were trying to poison me with that other kind last time."

"Oh buck up you baby, it was just tomato soup! I'll have you know that if you have a grilled cheese with a good bowl of tomato soup, you'll ascend to the stars." (Y/n) replied, pouring two bowls of the soup--Jasper's being larger than hers.

"I'm quite literally from, the stars, if you remember." Jasper slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard of the bed and taking the bowl.

(Y/n) watched as Jasper drank the soup from the bowl without a spoon or blowing on it.

Apparently, gems didn't need to eat like humans.

However, eventually, after much trial-and-error, (Y/n) was able to find a few things that Jasper 'tolerated' consuming.

Chicken noodle soup, Cheeto puffs, Jell-O, ice cream, fizzy soda, and cereal.

(Y/n) didn't question Jasper's strange cravings and typically had to fight her on not eating all the Cheeto puffs in the house.

(Y/n) lived on the outskirts of the forest in a one-story home.

Her bed was parallel to the kitchen and there weren't any walls separating the two areas. The couch was placed in between the spaces, the TV and coffee table in front of it. The bathroom was the only place with privacy and was located in the direction of the foot of the bed.

"Y'know, this place would be a lot more cramped if you weren't small." (Y/n) joked, drinking some of the soup from her own bowl.

She didn't notice how Jasper tensed and only looked over when she wasn't met with a sarcastic comment of witty reply. "Jasper?"

Yuri OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now