Chapter 8

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"So....Cold ones huh?" 


An eerie silence overtook the room. Well.. eerie for the Hales. Natalie was still scrolling through her phone calmly. Jasper whom had just fronted before entering, felt no fear coming from her. 

The redhead looked up from her phone when she didn't get a response. She saw how stiff Rosalie was and saw the confusion on Jaspers face. "Was I wrong?" She frowned. The twins looked at each other, fear settled deep in their bones. 

"..No. No, you're not wrong." Jasper said carefully as he sat at the end of the bed. "Oh... cool." She nodded awkwardly as she clicked off her phone. "What's wrong?" She asked, seeing Rosalie and Jasper not looking anywhere in her direction now. 

"What's wrong?!" Rosalie finally broke, "How are you so calm about this?! We could kill you!" The Major growled at this, thinking Rosalie could be a threat to his soulmate. He forcefully fronted and sat closer to the girl as Rosalie paced the room. 

"How exactly did you figure it out?" Major asked her calmly. "Honestly it wasn't that hard to figure out when Rosalie said the blood on Emmett was from a bear. I grew up being told stories of the tribe from my dad. When you guys left the room I got bored and went through my phone... I saw a list of my books and thought about one of them. It tells a story of the wolves making a treaty with a yellow eyed blood drinker." She shrugged pulling up the book. 

"Ah I see. We weren't aware you we're part of the tribe..." He trailed off. "Oh, I'm not. My parents left before I was ever officially initiated or whatever. My dad left the tribe when I was four and we moved away. His brother has guardianship over me technically but I live pretty far away from them."

"And who is this brother?" Major asked intrigued. 

"Billy Black." 

Time seemed to stop for the vampires in the house. The girl, whom shares a soul with two people in their family, is related to the leader of the tribe and is descended from the Chief that they originally made the treaty with. 

Thoughts swarmed everyone's head as Edward grimaced. He was hearing Alice's silent curses and Emmett's excitement, along with Rosalie's worry and Jaspers shock. Esme and Carlisle were stood still in the kitchen, looking at each other. 

'Did you know?' Esme mouthed to her husband. He shook his head, remembering that the only medical records he could pull up had her parents as the guardians. "The papers must have not went through yet." He whispered. 

Natalie sighed at the silence and flipped back over onto her stomach and went through her phone again, realizing that no one was going to talk for a fat minute.

While the vampire's were deep in thought, a certain Swan was doing research on what could be going on with her new obsession. She was worried for her brother but intrigued when it came to the copper haired man, Edward Cullen.

Leo sat back and watched as his sister stalked her crush. He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't also interested in what is going on with the Cullens but as Natalie said, it's none of their business, so he stayed out of it. 

Later on in the day, he took his laptop back from his twins room to do homework. He wasn't expecting Bella to leave her tabs open. He also wasn't expecting everything to make sence. 

'They're vampires.' He thought as he took in a shaky breath. 'Be logical. So what if they exist? Yeah it's a little scary but if they wanted to hurt us then they would have already... I just hope Natalie is okay over there.'

As the teen laid in his bed typing out his english essay, he couldn't stop thinking about a short haired girl that has been on his mind ever since the first day. He realizes he's not scared and shes the same girl that she always was, he just knows something new that she's not ready to share yet. He just hopes that his sister won't be irrational.

Back at the Cullen's, everyone had finally calmed down. Natalie assured them multiple times that she can't find it in herself to care that they're undead, blood sucking, gifted, weirdos that chose to go to highschool over and over again. 

That was until she was told the complete truth. 

"So... What you're saying is that someone you both knew and loved in your human lives- that were 100 years apart- looked just like me? And I am your soulmate." She looked between the "twins" wearily for the first time. She's always had a confident front, always unbothered yet friendly. She seems to be the opposite now. The two can tell that she's trying to seem unbothered, but Jasper and Major can feel that she's a bit hurt and closed off. 

'Are they just interested in me because i look like them? Am I just a copy of their grief? Is it hurting them to be near me?'

Jasper heard Edwards whispers of her thoughts and immediately told him to stop going through her head. While he does want to know what she's thinking, he wants it to come from her. Jasper wants Natalie to want to tell him what she's feeling and thinking. Major's furious screams rattled through Jaspers head, screaming for Jasper to let him out to comfort his other half. 

"There's more..." He trailed off hesitantly after talking to Major about it. She nodded to let him know she was listening. "I-...I have split personality disorder... Basically there's another person in my head and he comes out sometimes. He's technically me, but the darker half i guess? The trauma of my past caused some black outs and he took over, then after I turned I could hear him. We call him Major. He's very.... protective.. of you." He winced, trying to word it right. He felt her curiosity but no judgement and still no fear. There was a lingering hurt that he assumes is still from her looking like Anastasia and Sylvie.

"Have I met him?" With Jaspers nod she scrunched her brows in thought. "If i had to guess... Probably in the Ambulance... your eyes were different." His eyebrows raised at the thought of her noticing that. They thoughts Major had in there made his eyes dark, along with the smell of her blood, but he'd never hurt her.

"Yeah, that was him at the time. Earlier too, in the bedroom." He clarified as Natalie went deep into thought. The girl doesn't judge Jasper or Major. She sympathizes because they had to go through that trauma but never would she judge. 

"Okay. Anything else?" She asked with a small smile and a sigh as she crossed her legs and leaned forward. "Uhm. no? I don't think so. Nothing that needs to be talked about now anyway." Rosalie says, thinking about the Volturi and the wolves.

"Okay. So what now?" 

"We live our lives. We spend it together, and then eventually you could turn or if you chose not to... then we will just go into the afterlife with you." 

Natalies appalled face made him jump. "You are not going to die because of me."  She shook her head waving he pointer finger. "Nope. If I die you two will continue to live your lives and be happy. When I say this, I don't mean that i'm refusing to turn, but if somehow it does happen... Don't die."  

The girl gave them a glare until they agreed. Natalie doesn't want to be the reason for anyone to die... again. The thought of the people in front of her dying makes her heart crack a little. Besides them and the Swan twins, she doesn't have anyone else. 

After everything, Jasper took Natalie back to his room so she could go back to sleep, seeing how its only 3am.

The Hale wrapped his arms around her as she laid her head on his chest. "I'll stay as long as you do too." She whispered as sleep overcame her. Jasper gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead as he opened a book, waiting for her to wake once again. 


was the reveal too underwhelming? 

I think it kind of was but things are coming in all of my books :) 

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