Chapter 9

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Ever since Natalie found out about the "Cullen secret," she had stayed over most nights. Everyone tells her she's always welcome and could even take over a guest room as her own if she wanted, but she didn't want to intrude so she goes home every few days. 

After she found out, she went to school with the Cullens everyday. Everything was going naturally until days later, Natalie watched as Bella walked past Edward and Leo gave me a look. 'They know.' She thought, looking at Edward. He nodded and went to follow her. Jasper put a hand on her shoulder while she leaned into his cold body. Rosalie stood in front of her with her hands wrapped around her waist in a hug. Rosalie has voiced a few times that morning that she was mildly uncomfortable with so many humans knowing at once, even with them being soulmates, so their siblings agreed to hold off. Natalie had tried to comfort her but Rosalie's worry went deeper than the humans knowing. 

Jasper ran his fingers through Natalie's hair as she did the same to Rosalie. They were all trying to comfort each other, knowing that it was possible that the Swan twins would leave them or reject their brother and sister's bonds. Alice stared at Leo as he gave her a small smile. She didn't have a vision of them knowing or Bella confronting Edward today. She was nervous and only calmed down a little as the human's lips lifted. 

The human teenagers watched Natalie curiously. She had been very close to the Cullen's ever since a little after she arrived but they've never seen the Cullens hug anyone. Nevermind her hugging two of them. Jessica Stanley was fuming with rage. 

She's always envied Rosalie's looks. She's always crushed on Jasper and Edward. She would have even settled for Emmett. All of the sudden some hick bitch comes in and steals 2 out of four and befriends the rest? Not to mention the Swans becoming buddy buddy with all of them, including Natalie. 

Jessica has never been more humiliated. She's perfect! Perfect grades, perfect body, perfect hair and she believes she's perfected the best feminine act. She's just girly enough. Many men have fallen for her charms but she has always only wanted a Cullen. 

Angela has left her, agreeing with Natalie that Jessica has become too much. Her jealousy clouded their friendship and made Jessica snap at or belittle Angela often. Now she only has Mike. Eventually she agreed on going to prom with him and being his girlfriend so she didn't look pathetic when the dance finally came around. 


The Cullens left school early that day. Bella and Leo followed the car that Natalie and Jasper drove to school in as Alice and Rosalie drove behind them. The Swans were promised an explanation. Well Leo actually demanded one, after stating that he was still okay being around them and that he just had questions. 

"Do you spontaneously combust in the sun? Jessica stated rather loudly that you always go camping or whatever when the weather is nice a few weeks ago." He asked the family eagerly as he sat on the couch beside his best friend. Natalie snickered at his question and Emmett rolled his eyes. 

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