Chapter 5

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As her vision cleared, she noticed she was in the back of an ambulance and the cold was Jasper and Rosalie's hands. She gave it a small squeeze making their eyes widen. "Good morning." She says hoarsely with a cheeky grin. 

(Natalie's POV)

The Hale twins look at me intensely as i try and hold my grin, as if I didn't almost just die. Rosalie sighed in relief after a moment and smiled at me. "Hey. Do you hurt anywhere?" I moved my neck around and winced when the side of my face grazed the pillow behind me. "The side of my head and my face, but I'm okay. I had a concussion once when I fell out of a tree. I needed staples on my head and my dad yelled at me for days. I was okay then, I'm sure I'm okay now. Did I get Iz' out of the way in time?" I ranted before flashes of the crash went through my head. 

The look of panic of Tyler's face when I saw him swerve on the patch of ice triggered my fight or flight. Tyler must have been speeding because he was late or something. I heard the tires lock and saw the van come closer. My heart was beating out of my chest and I pushed Leo behind me as I reached down for the older Swan, whom hadn't seen nor heard the van coming straight for her. Thankfully she had a hood and I no doubt strangled her a little as I grabbed it and threw her to Leo. 

"Yeah, Bella and Leo are okay as far as we know. Tyler is a little beat up and the truck is totaled but everyone made it out okay." Rosalie spoke softly but I heard the hint of bitterness when she brought up Tyler. I noticed Jasper was very quiet. His jaw was clenched as he stared at my hand. 

"You okay?" I squeezed his hand a little and he glanced at Rosalie with a bit of panic. "Um. Yeah I'm okay..." His voice was strained and his southern accent drawled stronger than usual. He seems a bit different since yesterday, but I pushed the thought away; thinking it was just because of the accident. 

Jaspers abnormally dark eyes looked me up and down, presumably for injuries but I know I'm hot. When he was satisfied his eyes closed. I took this time to look at his features up close. He's very handsome- no doubt about it. His eyebrows are full and his jawline is sharp. His hair- oh wow his hair. It looks so soft. It seems to be straightened and it makes me wonder what he would look like if he left it natural. 

My eyes slowly trailed over to Rosalie. She was already looking at me with a small smile. Her hair looked just as soft, if not softer than Jaspers. Her eyes are a beautiful golden brown, almost unnaturally so. It fits her perfectly. She has a beauty mark above her lip and just under her eye. My eyes trailed down her neck and I noticed a rather large pendant. It seems to be a griffin of sorts, maybe an old family crest? An heirloom? 

The ambulance stopped with a small jerk. I huffed and rolled my eyes, wanting nothing more than for this day to be over. 'Okay maybe I want to stare at the Hale twins a little longer too, but going to bed sounds nice... They probably won't let me do that will they? Cuddles sound nice... Maybe I should get a dog?'

"What're you thinkin' about?" I heard my new favorite southerner ask.

"Hmmm. You want me to lie?" I asked pursing my lips. Rosalie rose a brow and shrugged. "If you want to. We could probably sniff the lie out though." Jasper nodded in agreement. "I was thinking about how good a nap sounds. And then how I probably won't be allowed to sleep uninterrupted for a while, which sucks a little but whatever. It's not like I get much anyways. And then I was thinking about cuddles for some reason so I'm thinking about getting a dog, fill up the house a little."

'They don't need to know about the other stuff'

The ambulance dudes opened up the doors abruptly making me groan and cover my eyes, now remembering how much light sucks. "I think I just went blind. Oh how I will miss your pretty faces." I dramatically pouted as I got wheeled out. 'My head feels funny. It kind of tickles.' I heard the Hale twins chuckle as they followed me out. 

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