Tales from Truro part 1

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(So sorry for the delay! I've had final exams for a week and I've still got two more weeks, so updated might be a little slow. I also struggled to write this chapter, so please let me know if you think I can improve any of it! It also ended up being quite long, so I hope you enjoy!)

Brian's POV

I saw Robert at school on Friday. It was the first time I'd actually made eye contact with him since he and his friends attacked me. It brought back so many horrible memories, and it's set me back a little. I haven't felt good.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not severely mentally ill like I was before, I just feel slightly worse. But there are certain things that have helped this time. Benji for one. I love my puppy to bits, and I have to say he loves me too. He's a very good boy, and I have already house trained him which my parents are very happy about. He also knows how to sit and lay down, and I have managed to get him used to walking on a lead with some successful recall off of the lead. He's very mischievous, but he will stop whatever he's doing when I tell him to. Also, he has a bed, but he sleeps in mine, cuddling up to me. I have to say that Benji is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

And then there's Roger. He has been super sweet these last few days, knowing that I saw Robert on Friday. He has also been super sweet and caring with Benji, looking after him when I didn't want to get out of bed and when I just didn't want to do anything. He's really helped me as well with his almost constant presence. And by being around him and seeing once again how sweet he is in nature, I know I'm making the right decision by getting back together with him. By showing him that I want to give him another chance. I do believe that something like this could definitely happen again, but I know to really consider his temper and nature this time. And I definitely won't be thinking of suicide this time.

Anyway, none of this matters because today, Sunday, is the day that we all leave to go to Truro for the week. The drive was 4 hours, and I really hoped that Benji would be ok. He was fine in the car in general, but he'd never been in a car for more than an hour. Roger was coming in our car with us as well, just because he loved Benji and wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. And I liked to think that maybe he wanted to spend some time with me as well.

We set off at 7:30 in the morning, with 4 cars. Ours, which had me, my parents and Roger. Then Roger's at the front, with his mum and sister. Deaky's with his mum and his sister and him, and Freddie's with his parents, sister and him. We were all set to follow Roger's car, but if need be we all had a satnav set as well.

As soon as we got going, Benji realised it was probably somewhere exciting. He was running back and forth in the back, standing on Roger and I's legs to get a view out of the window. You could tell Roger absolutely loved it every time Benji climbed on him. It was so adorable watching them together, but I was glad when Benji settled down between us to get some sleep. The constant tugging on the lead was a little annoying after all, but I loved my puppy so I didn't really care. Roger and I started chatting about everything we were going to do in Truro, and I was getting more and more excited by the minute. 20 minutes later, Benji moved in his sleep and rested himself against Roger's leg, and my best friend seemed to just melt right there. He looked up at me with so much love in his eyes that I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and Benji by my side.

Roger and I soon calmed down and we were silent for a while as we listened to the radio and watched the trees zip by. It was only half an hour later when Benji woke up and started whining that we said anything.

"What's up little man?" I asked sweetly as Benji pawed at me. I kissed his head and he licked my chin, but whined again.

"Are you car sick?" I questioned him, rubbing his head.

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