All Signs Point To

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Harper turned around, raising an eyebrow at her friends, "you have a pool going on us. Get off it."

Harper sighed inwardly, resting her chin on her hands and focusing her gaze on the chapter they were going to be reading over. Ever since Lockhart let the cornish pixies attack Harry's class, they were forced to only reenacting chapters from the book.

"Now, who will be part of the reenactments of today's tale?" Lockhart called to the class.

The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors all slid down their seats as Lockhart frowned slightly, "no volunteers? Tsk tsk." He pulled Robert Hilliard from Ravenclaw house before him as they began to demonstrate Lockhart's great achievement.

So I've been thinking, that since George really fancies you. It's time that you tell him how you feel and go to Hogsmeade together on a date.

Angelina sat drawing in her book as she allowed the stream of consciousness to flow through her.

Harper. You should really try and talk to George about going to Hogsmeade together, I know he would really like it if you did.

With a shake of her head, Harper looked across the aisle at Joy and Angelina's desks with a confused look. Both of them were trying to talk to her now? At the same time? That wasn't fair.

I have ten galleons on an upcoming date soon, come onnnn. I could really use the pot! I'll share it if you two pick my date.

Harper scowled slightly, glaring at her friends as Joy grinned over at her when she caught Harper's intense glare on her. With an eye roll, Harper tried to shut both of them up as class dragged on.

"You two are absolutely ridiculous," Harper laughed as they sat around the kitchens for lunch that day.

"Is it helpful to have two rather than one?" Joy shrugged.

"Actually..." she licked her spoon clean of the tomato soup and nodded slowly, "yeah...I suppose."

Joy gave a smug look, adjusting her glasses with a grin. "Did you get anywhere?" Angelina asked.

"No," Harper muttered dejectedly.

"Is it time to tell the group?" Angelina asked, her voice and demeaner becoming serious.

"I'm...I'm terrified."

"That could be helpful as well," Joy nodded. "Being terrified."

Harper nodded slightly, "I...I know what you mean. I'll think about it."

Who would ever want to be friends with someone like you?

Harper looked down at her plate, shaking her head, the intrusive thoughts circling around her, attempting to send her into a spiral as she took a shaky breath.


So I was thinking that if I touch up the lilac in my hair, Professor Lockhart might notice me and give Gyrffindor extra points! Wouldn't that be great? I was also thinking of changing the color of my glasses to lilac...what do you think? Can I pull it off?

Harper rolled her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she sat in Defense for another day. She flung a bit of paper at the side of Joy's face as hard as she could, Joy yelped in surprise, her train of thought instantly stopping.

You can't chuck things at people to make them stop, that's just rude and kind of cheating. Back to my story though, I was thinking that when Wood leaves this year maybe I could become the quidditch captain. I'd be excellent at it, I think!

Harper shook her head at Angelina's thoughts, her two friends were ridiculous. And they thought adding more people to this would be helpful?! It was most definitely not the time for that-Angelina and Joy were enough.

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