Before Enty could finish Enterprise drew her bow towards her counterpart.

Enterprise: State your identity.

Enty: My name is CV-6 CSAS Enterprise of the Yorktown class aircraft carriers.

Everybody: Ehhhh!!!

Azur lane base admirals office.

Wales can be seen doing paperwork after the attack when she saw that the Sakura Empire has been defeated she thought it was the Grey Ghost. But she suddenly heard everyone's screams she immediately rushed to the port.

Wales: What happened?

She sees Enty docking her ship and went to go meet her.

Wales: Wow uhmmm... I like the new look.

Enty immediately ran towards Wales and hugged her.

Enty: How? How are you alive?

Wales could only stand there awkwardly.

Cleveland: I don't know how to say this but look behind you.

Wales shrugged and looked back only to see Enterprise standing behind her.

Wales: !!?

Cleveland: Yeah I know what you're thinking but we should head inside.

Wales nodded while she was still shocked.

Admirals office, Azur lane base Hawaii.

Wales, Illustrious, Enterprise, and Cleveland are sitting on one of the couches while Enty is in front of them.

Wales: Ok let us start with a small introduction. What's your name?

Enty: CV-6 CSAS Enterprise of the Yorktown class aircraft carriers.

All of them still couldn't believe it.

Wales: Ok I'm just going to call you Enty to not confuse others.

Wales composed herself.

Wales: Anyway my name is Prince of Wale-

But before she can finish Enty immediately drew her M1911 and pointed it at Wales.

Enty: Did you just say, Prince.

Wales was scared and couldn't respond but she composed herself and said.

Wales: What is the matter? One minute you ran and suddenly hugged me then you turn your weapon on me because of my name.

Wales responded.

Enty: The monarchy is the very definition of an oppressive and unequal system and is an enemy to the future of Socialism.

Wales was dumbfounded.

Wales: What are you talking about? I don't oppress my subjects and I'm just a member of the royal family.

Enty sharpened her eyes and slowly holstered her pistol which relieved Wales.

Enty: Why do you look like UNBS Wales?

Enty pondered and then concluded that she was in an alternate timeline.

Enty: My apologies I think that I'm on a different timeline.

Everybody's patience is at its limit they were not only shocked that she was from a different timeline they were also shocked that she dared to threaten lady Wales.

Wales: Ok we should calm down and talk like civilized people.

Enty decided to sit down.

Wales: Ok now what faction are you from?

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now