Joe Biden's Plan Part 1

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Joe Biden's POV
I felt guilty. Guilty for something I didn't do. I want to prove to Shrek that I never cheated on him. I still love and care for him. There has to be something I could do to prove it. I sat down on my couch spending all my time to think about what I can do to prove my innocence.

After a few hours, I think that the best thing that I could do is to call Fiona, my enemy. I searched for her number and found it in 7 minutes. As I typed in the numbers, I felt rage just thinking that I might cuss her out.

I finally entered the number to hear the ogre.
"Who is this and why do you have my number?" Fiona asked.
"This is Joe and I want to talk to you and even if you just hang up, I will go to your house." I said in a deep and serious tone.
"Ugh, you think I'm a coward? As if. Now tell me what you want." Fiona said in a sassy tone.
"Admit it, admit that you sent Barney to kiss me just so my relationship with Shrek gets ruined." I said in an angry tone.
"So you figured it out? Well too late. You dont have any proof of this." Fiona replied while laughing.
"I want you to tell Shrek that now." I said in my commanding tone.
"No lol." Fiona replied.

She then went on to block my number. Great, now I don't know what else I could do to prove my innocence. I was frustrated. All was lost, until an idea sparked in my mind.

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