The Kiss

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Fiona went to the cafe and got her camera ready for Barney's "shocking plan."

"What did you wanna talk about sir?" Barney asked
"I want to talk about your little accident with me yesterday.." Joe Biden said.

"Get up for awhile sir." Barney said

"Ok?" Joe Biden replied

Barney took his arm and kissed him, Fiona quickly snapped the picture. Joe Biden pushed him away and he was furious.

"MR. BARNEY WTF WAS THAT FOR?!!" Joe Biden asked loudly.

Suddenly King Dedede, the owner of the cafe walked in.
"I received a complain about your table and I would want you to leave."

"I am so sorry sir, we will take our leave." Joe biden said.

Joe Biden handed King Dedede a bunch of money and he went out with Barney ready to yell at him some more.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Joe Biden asked.

"I love you sir, even though Fiona and Trump commanded me to make you fall for me but I was the one who fell inlove first and I hoped you have felt the same way but I realized that you love Shrek too much, so if I cant have you then no one else will. I hope you both break up." Barney said will tears in his eyes.

"I dont give a shit about your love for me because I will never fall inlove with someone like you, plus you're fired. Tell Fiona that her little plan is ruined anyway. Goodluck with your life Mr. Barney." Joe Biden replied angrily.

Barney ran away crying while Joe Biden was upset because he felt like he cheated with the love of his life.
"I dont know how to tell Shrek this.." Joe Biden thought.

He went home looking all sad and just ignored Shrek.

"I wonder what happened to him..." Shrek thought to himself.

He kissed Joe Biden in the forehead and said "Goodnight my angel."

He sighs, "Im going to ask whats wrong wih him tomorrow, maybe he's tired for now."

Shrek x Joe Biden (Our crazy love story)Where stories live. Discover now