The leaders blow a whistle. We drop our guns and head towards them. "We're Dauntless remember? Get a filter." Peter bumps my shoulder as he quotes me. I roll my eyes and don't bother responding. The leaders lead us to our next step of training. I am so tired of running. I can see Max and a few others up ahead, we slow down.

"Hey. What have you got?" Four asks.

"Factionless. Not doing anything." I look out to see all the unfortunate beings. I hope I don't join them.

"Check it out, stiff. That's gonna be your new family. Go say "Hi." Peter teases Tris.



"First jumper!" I whip my head up, turning my attention away from my training. "In the ring. Last jumper! Time to fight." Tris and Molly get in the ring. This should be good.

"How long do we fight for?" Molly asks

"Till one of you can't continue." Eric says

"Or one of you concedes." Four adds.

"According to the old rules. New rules, no one concedes." Eric says smugly.

Four licks his teeth and turns to him."You really want to lose 'em on their first fight?"

"A brave man never surrenders."

"Lucky for you, those weren't the rules when we fought." Four says. I hold back a laugh.

Eric rolls his eyes. "You'll be scored on this, so fight hard." They get in their stances. "Go!"

Molly looks determined. Tris looks... terrified. They prance around the platform, no one's made a move. Tris ends up off the mat, looking to everyone but Molly.

"Don't be scared, stiff!" Peter says. He leans over to me and whispers. "Who do you think will win? Be honest."

I shiver, feeling his breath down my neck. "Molly. Tris is too intimidated. It's making her look and act weak." I answer honestly.

He nods. We turn our attention back to the fight. Tris throws a punch but misses. Molly throws a punch and hits her right in the jaw. Tris holds her face, Molly continues to knock her down. Tris ends up on the floor. Eric looks to Molly and nods. She punches Tris one last time.

I wince. "Told ya." I whisper to Peter.

"Oh I'm sorry want a reward?" He asks smugly.

I roll my eyes. "Not from you."

I walk over and give Tris a hand. "I was rooting for ya, Tris." I grunt as I lead her to a bench.

"No you weren't. I heard you and Peter." She muttered, her words laced with hatred.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true. If you're gonna make it here you need to grow a pair." I toss an ice pack to her before walking off.

"Listen up." Eric calls out. We head towards him, he's stood beside a board. "Know what this board is?" No one answers. "It's your life. We grade you every day. If you're still in the red by the end of the first stage, you're out." I look to the chart. I'm twenty one. Just above the red.

"All right. You're done for the day. You can head off and do your own thing for now." Four calls out. I'm gonna take a shower. I made my way to our room. I feel a tug on my shoulder. I take a look and see Peter. Of course.

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