CH:15- Mein hai, Urmila Mahadev Mathre!

Start from the beginning

"Let me go and check myself," she got up and was about to move out when Pushpa Ji held her hand, "don't create a fuss," she spoke sternly this time, "we have been given orders not to tell anyone what has transpired."

Karishma looked at Pushpa Ji surprisingly, "given orders by who?" She asked shockingly.

"The same people who helped you tonight," Santosh chipped in, with a glum face.

"What are you talking about?" Karishma looked at Santosh confusingly, "Isn't it the police from nearby stations as we planned?" She asked with a surprise in her voice.

"No, they were not," Santosh moved towards the other side of the bed and stood beside Karishma opposite Pushpa Ji.

"Then, who were they?" She asked as she was still trying to grasp this new information.

"They were the special forces with whom maddam sir was working on the case," Santosh spoke, "they are the ones who rescued the kids because they knew the location where the children were," she paused for a brief moment, "it seems like maddam sir was in a continuous contact with them," she glanced at the room, "they have everything planned out before maddam sir went there."

"But how was she in contact with them?" Karishma asked, still a bit surprised.

"Do you remember her earrings?" Santosh uttered, "they took her earring with them, the special forces because her earring wasn't just earrings they had a hidden camera, recorder, and microphone."

"How can you give them without my permission?" Karishma asks furiously.

"Madam, they didn't wait for anyone they came like a wind, directed the course of everything and they were gone just like they came," Santosh made her point clear, "you do know, how special forces work," she paused for a brief moment and looked at Karishma, "also, they mention, they don't need any permission from anyone."

Karishma went quiet. She was very well aware of the ways of special forces—-perform their tasks even before anyone can become aware of it. So, She didn't say anything to Santosh but now she has realized Haseena wasn't stupid to walk into her death trap without any backup plane. She set up herself as a bait so the special forces and the other agents that were working on the case can actually get enough time to release the children and capture people who were working alongside Nyx, "this stupidly smart yet an idiotic woman," she thought of her lovingly yet angrily.

"They have called you to visit Mumbai to take your statement once you are feeling better," Pushpa Ji said after seeing Karishma lost in her thoughts.

"Hmm...," She muttered while staring in space.

"Aur, Haan!" Cheetah spoke for the first time in the entire conversation with teary eyes, "they have told us not to disclose about Maddam Sir's death to anyone until we are told to do so, not even to her family."

Karishma glanced at her colleagues blankly as all of them shook their heads in unison with a calm face but she knew they all were trying to be strong for each other. They all knew how big of a loss they had, tonight.

"So, it's just us five who knows about what has transpired tonight, no one else, right?" Billu asked just to confirm.

"Haan!" All others responded except Karishma who was still a bit dazed by the happenings.

Everything was moving at a much faster rate and she didn't even get time to mourn. "I need to rest," Karishma muttered, "can you all please leave me alone," she lay down while placing her hand over her eyes.

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