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For those who know me you know I love making sequels. Think it comes from my love for Power and Power Universe. I currently have seven published stories and majority of them are all connected in some way shape or form.

A fact you guys don't know is that I have 30 drafts worth of stories I've given up on😭 .

I've been doing this new thing where I write an entire book and release all the chapters at once rather than forcing you guys to wait. It also helps me not lose the excitement of writing the book.

Which leads me to this.....

I'm currently writing a sequel to Named Malik & Coco. I've already written 26 chapters and I just started at the end of May. This story will be about the now life of the adopted daughter of Coco & DC, and the son of Malik & Patience.

I'm sure I'll be done with this book soon enough most likely within a week. But before I release it I have a question.

Is this something you would want?

Or do you think Named Malik & Coco should end where it's at already?

NAMED MALIK & COCO (Urban)Where stories live. Discover now