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One day later

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One day later

Third Person
Napoli, Italy

"I see you have found your way back home," Angelina said as soon as Antonio stepped through the front doors of his childhood home. "You were set to return two days ago- what kept you in Sicily for so long?"

Antonio restrained himself from voicing his displeasure when he heard her voice.

Today he was unlucky; she was at home. Since he was a child, there was always a fifty-fifty chance he would find her here.

His parents had a headache-inducing dynamic. They were either hundreds of miles apart and cheated on each other in their sham marriage, or they lived together in this big mansion where they only saw each other for dinner, which was either in absolute silence or ended in a big fight.

For sixteen years, he had watched this back and forth from close by; these days, he only observed it from afar.

Angelina knew he did not want to talk to her, but she had no intention of leaving him alone- therefore, she followed him into the kitchen. She knew she was not the best mother in the world, but she was still his mother, and for that reason, she wanted his respect, forgetting that respect had to be earned.

Antonio put his phone down on the counter and turned to reach for a water bottle when, not even a second later, it began to ring. Angelina's gaze caught the caller- and surprise was written all over her face when she saw Alessia calling her son.

"That is what kept you there so long," she spat, wondering what else needed to be done to separate them for good.

"I don't have time for this," Antonio said as he turned to face her, but she disregarded his objection.

"While I am doing everything I can for your future and to get your life together for you-"

He was not sure if he had heard that right. "I believe I am capable of-"

"You do the exact opposite of that."

"Are you finished?" Antonio asked, knowing full well that he would not be able to finish one sentence, but she was just getting started.

"Far from it. If you have such an interest in Sicily, Katarina Esposito is someone you can waste your time with. Victoria Lombardi has been in love with you since you two were six years old. She is someone you should be courting, someone who can hold a candle to you. Someone who one day will be the perfect wife and the perfect Donna. A marriage between you would benefit both of our families and ensure the Italian Mafia's place at the top of the world under your name. You don't know what will happen tomorrow, who will form alliances with whom and who will overthrow us.

"But instead, you're chasing after that girl who is not worth it. She may be beautiful, but she has no other use for you. If you cannot control yourself, then let her become your mistress-"

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